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Uzawa Reisa's Modding History

wth real
adjusted sv
agree, applied to other diffs too
aight thank you for the cooperation
pls push to rank
we all should stop using mp3, vorbis is superior in any way
buffed. this section also lacks triplets, added them.
moved, also made them notes ddk k to align better with pitch
kiai flash is cool applied
from my perspective as ddkk player, making it kkddkkd makes the next kat felt weak to play. also violin pitch is high. keep
agree also realized this note here 00:54:437 is terrible and makes it harder than top diff, removed.
did remove on 00:48:164 because the piano is contrast here, keep other. 00:50:209 - bass -> violin blends 01:05:618 - violin -> string blends 01:07:664 - bass -> violin
true removed
the violin: 00:11:277 - higher pitch 00:13:459 - lower pitch 00:15:641 - high again 00:17:823 - same pitch as before keep
40%: 0.90x -> 0.95x 55%: add 0.90x at 01:29:550
*to mute the ranking screen
`applause.wav` is there to ranking screen, so the music at the end doesn't get covered. it's a 44 KB wave that usually used to mute hitsound, should be fine to use here.
both set to 80% audio is loud, setting it to 75% sound too quiet
follow melody, and 00:06:913 supposed to be denser. applied following changes instead: 00:06:640 - moved to 00:06:504 00:07:322 - add note 00:09:504 - add note
it is
nice song yields nice map 😉
i mapped those before, but it makes this section feels like have same contrast with 00:37:458. leaving this gap would make it feel calmer compared to next section.
added note 01:15:777 - i feel like kdk would fit better here; avoid repeating kkk next at 01:17:413
made them dkddk and 00:49:595 become kkk; adjusting to the flow
85%: changed to 1/3 70%: add note on 00:32:822
i didn't even realize this moved
made them all kkk
hello again dad
xahlt doing the storyboard
dad don't waste your hype on random sets like this😢
latihan map kok pake harumachi cloper, aneh amat 😂
did you mean cath palug
change flow
why do you have 95 in your name