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MANi's Modding History

Im goings to touches you
yes boss!
New normal is like 1.6 or so there will be advanced diff
Yup it will be uploaded when im.home
why are you not stopping me
fixed ig
not quite the same imo 01:09:386 is much more important cuz its a flam thats mapped as 1 circle and slider in 1/8 snapping and its right before peak of that song while 00:56:682 i can map some weird 1/6 bursts or sm that are barely audible while playing other than that ion see anything to can elevate that part much, plus i think that contrast with only sliders for vocals and part that comes after 01:09:386 is pretty nice imma close it for now if u have any other suggestions feel free to reopen
yes boss
ruined but fixed
Nvm turns out its not ai
its AI im so sorry i was young and dumb
samo ofc sa vecim spacing jer su drums funky
i pase sa onime sto si radio u intro 00:22:062 (1,2,3,4,1,1,2) -
fino onda imas nastavak u next slider
"i am not going to change my hitsounds, timing, etc. for no reason" ah yes fixing map feedback by improving bad hs and fixing timing that's off by 30+ ms on some places for NO REASON (other than to follow rc that clearly says maps have to be properly timed to be ranked (literally 2nd point under timing section in rc)) so map can be ranked or just say ""ion care"" to people that know what they are talking about and care about good metal songs getting ranked in not half assed and mistimed maps no hate or anything but people like you are the reason why mapping is dead
also that would require you to time solo correctly and not loosely as it is now so might as well copy the timing form the other set
also consider using hs from this map they are way better than current ones and give way better feedback while playing
bump to change diffname (pretty please) its same as obsidian crown at least try to reference it in some other way
" which means there is no significant sound on 01:38:208 (13) - to warrent a repeat slider, which has been the main focus of all my repeat sliders throughout the map." 01:38:208 (13) - theres a strong snare here thats perfect fit for a repeat "01:38:534 (1) - is more then enough emphasis to represent the absense of vocals & the start of new strong vocals on 01:38:534 (1) -" also this i really think it doesnt it do any justice since vocals start off pretty strong this combined with low spacing that stream is and just flowing into it makes them really underespresnted
also sry ;_; i just want better rms map than sotarks one please fix up old stuff before you rank it to at least match your newer maps in some way im begging you
there is difference in dynamic vocals where u can do them good with repeats like u did on some parts (like this 01:43:103 (9,10,11,12,13) - ) but this is just 4 notes of nothing into new start of vocals which just feel under represented like this eg. 01:38:126 - vocals end here and start here 01:38:534 - rest is just nothing yes u can hear lil sm on 01:38:452 - but thats not noticable while playing
please ion wanna burning heart 2.0 in ranked :sob:
its super weird to do it with repeats please try long slider option (from white tick to blue) like this you are just leaving hole mid stream section like its really off putting while playing and it doesnt bring much in tame sections like that there is no super dynamic vocals or anything its just meh
dunno feels weird to have that as one stream since if u make it a repeat next stream will start out stronger and voclas will have bigger impact
plus extend that repeat 06:08:203 (12) - and this oen 06:09:507 (13) - 06:10:811 (12) - u get the point its shit to play if u wanna do that map a long slider
06:05:274 (1,2,3,4) - could do spacing you have been doing on stuff above to follow guitar pitch
06:01:694 (13,14,15,16) -
05:59:399 (1,2,3,4,5) -
05:55:163 (11) - yes
05:51:252 (13,14,15,16) - also repaet
also could buff this 05:50:275 (1) - stream a bit
05:49:619 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - repeats so 05:50:275 (1) - this can have higher impact
05:40:812 (13,14,15,16) -
05:38:530 (1,2,3,4,5) -
also could nerf 05:24:180 (1) - this part of the stream by 0.2ds so you can follow vocal change here 05:25:484 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) since its bit stronger than part before
04:45:392 (5) - nc
04:40:156 (5) - nc
04:01:692 (8) - nc 04:02:345 (11) - nc 04:01:692 (4) - nc
03:02:011 (1,2,3,4) - :)
02:53:866 (13,14,15,16) - :)
01:48:648 (13,14,15,16) - sameeeeee