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Elux's Modding History

I mean it looks fine to me as well with it being pretty straight forward . 1 Nyan = Easiest 4 Nyans = Hardest I don't know how someone wouldn't be able to understand that when looking at the map.
I made 00:53:988 (3,4) - a dash by making 4 a vertical as i will literally have no room otherwise 00:52:210 (3,4) - is a walk due to the vocal becoming more breathy/whisper like compared to 00:50:432 (3,4)
After talking a bit with SadEgg, I'm going with Mashiro's suggestion. The extra dashes from 00:49:543 (1) - to 00:49:988 (2) - (same for each corresponding section after) made it feel too dashy for the calmness/bpm and "feeling off" for a lack of better term.
Done on platter diff
changed from 2.4 to 2.1 to be consistent with the rest of the normal dashes
removed gap
This slider is meant to cover the vocals as the entire kiai's emphasis is based with the vocals in mind. 01:07:321 (1,2) - follows the same emphasis/snapping as 01:06:432 (3) - before it and 01:08:210 (3) - after it only with those being repeaters, however, the note in the repeater still ends on the blue ticks. If you want I can make it a repeater to follow along with 01:06:432 (3) - and 01:08:210 (3) - as there is a a bit of held vocal still between 01:07:321 (1,2) - but I do not believe it is mis-snapped.
Could you explain this a bit better? Do you mean a dash between 00:49:988 (2) - and 00:50:432 (3) - ? Cause dashes between 00:49:543 (1) - and 00:50:432 (3) - is impossible as we ignore 00:49:988 (2). I do agree its a bit underwhelming the way it is though.
"00:25:326 (3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - you CANNOT expect salad players (let alone new ones) to be able to hit 39 CONSECUTIVE 1/2s comfortably" "00:37:785 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - 25 CONSECUTIVE 1/2s" You don't expect salad players to be able to move a few pixels and standstill? I would understand if they were dashes and complex movements involved, but literal moving a few pixels and standing still? Shit when I was a cup/salad player I was hitting more complex stuff than this consistently. Also that last bit seemed a bit too spiteful/emotionally charged and feels like drama brought over into the veto but to each their own I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Would you consider them being regular dashes then or just walks?
Done, will mark as resolved once updated
done. Buffed it from 0.22x to 0.29x on both for obvious dash. Will mark as resolved when razor updates.
Just because there is a goalie doesn't mean you can't score. *jokes aside brocode
He needs to continue meeting that girl at the gym
失礼します ガチャッ サササッ しゅしゅしゅっ シュッ しゅたっ しゅびっ デデーン ほっ ズドーン! ドカーン じゃーん! ゴロゴロ デーン じゃん! タンタン んー?
Done. Thank you for volume carry.
Done done.
I fought The Law and The Law won?
guten morgen
It has been done
Well this isn't a fix I was planning on waking up to lol
I owe you my life
I think I did it.....?
Done. Nerfed 03:17:708 (1,2,3) - a bit with fewer hdashes, however, I'll leave open if you feel slider directions etc can be nerfed as well
I genuinely tried. Made sure they are at least dashes for emphasis but making the 1/1's hdash required the spacing to be the entire play field wide
Done, however, I had hdashes there with a slight distance increase due to the vocals progressing louder each time example: la, La, LA, L A! La la Laaaaa Leaving open for now until you get the chance to look at the section again. If regular dashes are still better with explanation in mind, I will mark as resolved
Left alone as it felt empty with 1/4, however, leaving open incase you listen again and still feel otherwise
Done but leaving open due to questions regarding 02:05:134 (8,1) - 02:08:663 (8,1) - 02:12:193 (8,1) - 02:15:722 (8,1) - that are found in the same section
Just relooked. You right I pulled a dumb here
Pushed out some updates, not the best at editing rains but buffed the kiai. Let me know your thoughts as I am sure there are things I can fix