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terminator3621's Modding History

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Thank you! Did it as you suggested. Looks better :) Thanks for the tool too. I have new ideas for my own taiko editor :D
looks like I put it in the finisher “pose” and it was a finisher, but I forgot to put it in or removed it for something. idk
Ohh, yeah. It supposed to be finisher but its not :D
Okay Ive just copypasted(+-) this numbers from RC, but forgot to adjust it for low bpm
00:31:707 (239) - just deleting this, makes it more readable and at least rankable
Да, под голос подходит лучше
Да, так лучше
да, так и сделаю
хм, оно и должно было быть k, но почему-то d... Пофиксил
Ну ладно)
changed snapping of kiai on last diff for all kiai times across the diffs consistent
ahaha, maybe. ( ˙▿˙ ) I forgot something like that again.
(why its so hard for me to just remove a single note on futsuu lol)
Hmm, okay. I think it's still worth removing it, glad of the overall structure. At first I thought I needed it for the next two notes, but overall it will improve the map, in my feelings
Hmm, from the sound of it, it's still worth shifting
Okay, I'll go with that
made it 1/6 kkkd kkkd, and last is ddkk, also on 1/6
Fixed that moment
Fixed ( ˙▿˙ )
Indeed, there's a drum sound I'd forgotten about...
yeah, removed it
All right. Emphasized the strings and moved it 00:44:050 (74,75,76,77,78,79) - like this d d ddk d
Turned it ino kats. also made 00:28:383 (30) kat for emphasis
You're right. It made me feel like removing it too when I looked at that diff again) made it normal d
Yeah, I'll put a note here. The pattern looks better, and it fits the song
Yea, ive remapped 2 lower diffs
I'll look, and make update, as soon as i can
Thank you for timing!
Added some 3-5-plets to kiai, as you suggested. Im a little bad with adding overmap and emphasizing song in that way
Didn't think of that at all when I made this map. I added a little bit at the right moments in my favor, on last diff. I will also add it on other diffs later, in Alchyr editor
Added some variation on vocals
00:27:108 - added a note. same for 00:28:915 01:13:102 00:23:132 - i will remake this moment 99% with note here
Yea, there is a no need of variations like this. Ive remapped this pattern
Fixed all of that, but 00:46:716 (131) - you said to move it in i will delete it as you suggested here, it makes pattern of 1/3 more intuitive and easier to read
hm, ok, didnt noticed that
Ueah, thats better
yeah, thats really imrove this moment