I would like to keep this as one jump, 5 and 6 are stacked to emphasize her being more quiet. I am keeping this 02:23:809 (1) - as a slider because it goes up as the pitch and I think it fits more to the song. Plus it looks nice :D
I will decrease the spacing in the first kiai and increase in the second one. Thank you for modding my map! This will get me closer to ranking my first map in the future. <3
I did something like this since I liked it much more, I also decided to increase spacing between them because the guitar goes more MODE.. https://imgur.com/a/StZ0EBQ
I am thinking about this and I probably have no idea what you mean :D I spaced this whole part more 00:19:357 (6,7,8,9) - If that is not what you meant, please tell me more because im probably stupid
I was trying to follow the drums, if you listen the drums are still there but go quiet, thats why I made the spacing smaller. If I should not do that, I can change it