This is following this mod ( I like the idea of breathing room in the middle of the hectic chorus.
I don't know if d k ddd k or d d ddd k works better, so I'll just stick with the simplistic one. You can choose the final product if you revisit these mods.
I included both, but again, one may be better than the other.
I'm gonna leave this one open for others to decide on as this is one i'm really on the fence about. Would it just be kkk ddd, or would it be something else? I feel like it flows well as is
I think when I was making this, I was just so worried that it was going to be too hard for the diff, so I ended up making it way easier than it needs to be. Forgot that 1/2 stuff could be up to 7 notes. Added some stuff to make up for it.
I get the idea. Does give breathing room, and even though I don't want to int the bottom diffs too much, It still doesn't really change too much, so i'll apply it.
this is another one i'm kinda on the fence about, since i don't really know how you could 1/6 that, but I did something. It's probably not good and that might change later, but it's added for now.
I shortened it down to 7-plets, which I know is not what you recommended, but for me, it feels more natural in following the beat. If you prefer your way, i'll consider looking at it again.
will be honest, wasn't super up to how to do this, so I just made a triplet hit directly on the cat noise for a kdd pattern.
And yeah, I added a note at 57:926
Updating the map before applying these.
Does give a little clarity to the chaos. Added and applied to the second kiai as well. (unless stated otherwise)
slowed it down a tad bit AND inverted the second part because god knows why the heck I was doing that.
idk if I should slow down the finisher hits, as 1.4 is like .15 higher, but it does make it stand out more, so i'm just going to adjust the downscale sv.
Also, now that i'm applying these, the slow down at the end of the first two kiais might be a tad bit slow (1.25>1.15), but I feel like as long as you can tell it's slowing down, that's something.
You can be the judge of it when the changes get made.
I think I was putting in the SV's, my brain was kinda on the fence about these parts where if the finishers slowed down, they would stand out more, but idk why I only applied it in the second part. Looking at them side by side, the faster ones work better. Switching them as we speak.
I don't really see how it's underwhelming. It has a lot of 3-plets going on, which is pretty involved. You can elaborate if needed, but for now, I'm keeping as is.
Crosscomparing with Glassive's mapset, he did add SV's to emphasize the sounds, so I shall do so as well. Might not be good, but hopefully it's decent.
Yeah, it's unintended. I'm going to move SV points back a tad bit to account for offsets and stuff, but the Kiais i didn't mean to shift like that. Changed.
Edit: It was because Glassive suggested an offset change when the map was first being made. Whoopsies.
I believe I did this to match the drums in the back (the really fast hi-hat), but yeah, it was just kinda thrown in there.
Changed to a kddk(1/6) d d. Please clarify if all the 1/6 should be taken out if needed.
Took a lunch break here
*nom nom*
Ok i'm back
I have no idea why it's in 1/9. I used 1/6 snapping earlier (changed to 1/4 later for simplicity reasons), so idk why i cranked it up so high.
Shortened and fixed to 1/4.