modder info

ImpreSSion's Modding History

получается обманул
because song too slow in dt
noone can play this
так чамин перемапал боди космик
I don’t surrender to fate I continue to fight a fate Put a stop to the NEGATIVE CHAAAIN!! ♫♫♫♫♫
because i did map for myself (graveyard man forever)
specifically dt mastering orientation
Will fix when will got pc.. i'm too thinking squares are absurd
О дааа
is graveyard
всё таки я не закончу, благодари барабанщика, который рандомизировал ноты так, что я не вижу здесь ритма... Может кто то другой сможет победить эту карту, но не я к сожалению, хоть и сильно хотел её сделать.
朱色ジ氷繁雑 - 黒班
Now nobody want give nm to me, because i specially don't comly nowadays ranking criterias and mapping in own style
i remade this moment
it's peculiarity of pattern. It's easy to read, that's how it should be
not yet hsed
hm, i ctrlGed it and maybe it become a bit cooler!
here i did rhytm, suitable for vocals. I play this moment calmly, it should stay as it was
that pattern how it should be
spacing lowered
that's how it should be
i think it's normal for this StarRate
may be like this?
may be move like this?
really misreaded.. changed position
yea, changed positions of notes
Beat in song done so that sliderends here are heard as "clap" sound, don't need muting
sure, mistake
should remain as it was
i sure, there no need in any sliderslide sound.
most of them will update in new submission) th for mod
аххаахахахаахахаха hanamuke is gone...
валяется у меня в осу с 630 нотами...
how much?
edited this part
9.6 now
I'll try to fix that