modder info

Grubbsgaben's Modding History

01:32:031 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Kinda same drum pattern, mapped differently. Could use one of the same one as mentioned in above suggestions Currently missing note 01:32:718 -
nerfed 03:31:791 - 04:21:478 - 05:04:291 - 05:29:916 -
clap clap
nerfed 00:43:041 - 00:53:041 -
Changed mentioned part
just remove those notes, dont put kickslider there neither lol
also remove thee mapped vocal parts if you want to map it as i said 02:59:133 (4,5,6) -
01:36:790 (1) -
01:26:633 (3) -
03:31:008 (4) -
03:22:883 (5,1) - similar to the hidden stream start ↑
03:06:321 (3,5) - they are too close D: fix pls
"barely touching" stuff 02:35:227 (4,1,2,3) - fix pls
01:34:133 (7,1) -
similar ↑ 01:17:883 (5,1) -
00:49:290 (1,1) - the stream (1) is literally hidden, what you can do is to move that part out a bit (also could rotate 45°) and put out from the slider's end. something like this, if you want -
actually, could lower the SV 02:45:629 - add a timing point and lower the SV to something like 0.5x or 0.6x considering the song is calm here. and i meant that u can add long sliders to: 02:45:629 - 02:48:338 - 02:48:725 - 02:51:435 - 02:51:822 - 02:54:532 - 02:54:919 - not just 1 slider lul. from this it feels a bit off tho 02:56:467 - vocal actually plays earlier a bit than the note then this one plays a bit later than the actual note 02:56:854 (2) - also feels off 02:58:016 (5) - should do something with the timing anyway at that part
same for this part 01:06:937 -
forgot to repoen kekw
Actually, considering you wanted to map this on the top diff like: 1/2 slider and then 3/4 slider now you could do that here. Or 1/2 slider and another 1/2 slider instead of the 1x 1/2 slider reverse The first 1/2 slider could fit here (like that is on your top diff atm) since its just a Hard diff, rather than 2 circles like for the top diff we suggested.
00:44:733 (3) -
00:40:327 (3) -
00:30:835 (4) -
I agree with Some Hero tbh. Following the vocal with that 2 circles could feel much better and would improve that part I believe
I would go with this bcs of the stream, I believe that fits well with the spinner. I need the gap because of the spinner recovery time
something like you did here 02:43:924 (1,2) -
00:10:717 - NC 00:12:051 - NC
Add NC to the slider, and please increase the SV cause its a HUGE slow down after the kiai + compared to the spacing at the previous stream 01:38:051 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
would like to keep it
02:24:944 (3) - NC?
01:56:634 (1,1) - fix visual blanket :d
Like, the flow is good from here 01:18:097 - as you mapped it. I would suggest you that instead of stacking the objects, use DistanceSnap. It would be much better in my opinion
From Ranking Criteria: "Active hitsounds must use the .wav or .ogg file formats. .mp3 files have slight delays, and therefore are reserved only for longer passive hitsounds, such as ambient noises." You have .mp3 files and the "normal-hitnormal.mp3" is currently used as an active sound which is against the RC if im right. Also Mapset Verifier has a problem with this: "Incorrect hit sound format. "normal-hitnormal.mp3" is using the MP3 format and is used for active hit sounding, see 00:52:379 (1) - in [Misophonia] for example."
04:26:470 (1,2,3) - the last 3 post are about other stuff that the opener topic, the sliders look cool, but probably hard to play and will lead to sliderbreak. You can lower the slider velocity if u want, but keep it if u feel like it. Thats just my opinion
04:22:106 (1,2,3) - ↑ '-'