modder info

_Misti's Modding History

(Also I think the spread is fine because the rain is also very high SR)
I prefer using TR 2 on my platters. I think the lack of antiflow compensates for the higher density
All you gotta do is just meet me at the APATEU APATEU
Applied the mod for Jemzuu with his consent
Done on my cup
Aww :( Okay then, I've nerfed the spinners on my diff
I changed my mind, I honestly prefer the straight slider here. The following pattern was nerfed so I think the straight slider won't be too straining
Fixed on my diff, waiting on Jemzuu
I made it more interesting (the dashes make more sense now, and I added some double dashes)
From 02:04:570 to 02:27:158, I reduced all 1/1 dashes to 1.5x
Reduced to 1.66x (anything above 1.66x is unintentional tbh)
- Added 아파트, 로제, and also 블랙핑크 (Blackpink) - Added "rock" - Apartment was already there
Thank you :D
Players might not understand what the spinners look like in the editor, but I think they will realize that the banana density is higher than normal in these difficulties. In my difficulty, for example, you can see the difference in density at 01:34:551 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1). Here, I'm using a spinner stream (lots of bananas) to represent a series of glitchy sounds, followed by a normal spinner (fewer bananas) to represent a long note. You can also hear the difference between both spinner patterns: every time you catch a banana in a normal spinner, the pitch increases, whereas the pitch is constantly reset in a spinner stream, which creates a glitchy effect that fits the streams in this song. Since I'm deliberately using both spinner patterns in my diff to represent different sounds, I think it would be a shame to remove one kind of spinner pattern in favour of the other. I did not have score and object count in mind when I mapped these spinners, and I don't think these values matter, considering they don't affect pp or star rating. For all of these reasons, I'd rather keep these spinner streams
Concerning the kiais, I added curves at 01:06:293, 02:13:261, and 02:30:293 to remove some zigzag patterns. As for the calmer parts, I added more standstills around 00:14:035, 01:15:970, 01:53:132, and 02:17:906 to reduce strain.
Yes, but I replaced this with a reverse-arrowed slider instead
I removed most zigzags and either replaced them with straight lines or 5-circle curves
Closing this for now
Not the weaker "I wanna know"s, I meant the weaker "What is Love"s
I managed to make it fit (it's close to the border but it's okay I think)
I added some hyperslider patterns in the kiais but I didn't change the weaker "I wanna know"s
This is such a good idea, I'll do that
01:54:621 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Added more standstills. I only kept one antiflowy 1/4 hyper at 01:55:728 (4,5) to emphasize the very loud sound on the blue tick. 02:08:312 (1,2,3,4) - This is the song's climax, I think the antiflowy 1/4 pattern is justified. 02:33:279 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Added more standstills here as well, but I kept some antiflow.
Nvm I kept both versions to "boost searchability"
I removed the underscores in Stardust Prism and Paranoid Grapes
I keep forgetting ;-; Thank you!
Comme toi hihi
Added Golo- to tags, thank you!
Merci o/
I turned this into 1/1 jumps
I prefer when my horizontal sliders are tilted to make them easily walkable, so I'll leave these sliders unchanged for now
Thank you :D
Thank you :D
I reduced the dash frequency there
I restructured it
I changed this pattern a bit, there is less movement now (more standstills)
Yes you're right, it's needed so that the whole mapset appears when my name is searched in-game. Katsuragi added the tag
Same here 05:29:152 (6,7) - and here 05:30:751 (6,7) -
My response sounded a bit dry and rude I'm sorry :(