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Yoshi_green's Modding History

it's gumi not gura!
changed 00:26:366 (6,7) - to hyper instead
ok sure removed both
switched (1,2,3,4) with (5,6,7,8) for both
changed 01:46:197 (4,1) - to hyper instead
yep fixed
moved 01:28:568 (4) - 32px right also removed hyper from previous note to match with 01:27:043 (6,7) -
no i agree, reduced to 1.00x
adjusted curve of 02:18:421 (3) -
changed 02:36:367 (9,10) - to point inwards instead
i like how this is almost a whole star harder than my qfnm2 last year
added (forgot to resolve before)
refomatted hs will not be updating any further unless it is a consistency error
uhh idk why the change didn't go through before
added all ncs but didn't remove the one at 01:57:574 (1) - as i consider it a lead-in bar
hmm i feel like my hs are fine as is, they're laid out pretty symmetrically and alternate between clap/drum-clap across the whole map, and finishers are punctuated well enough at the necessary points tom drum hits only occur while not using custom hs and falling back to the default skin drum-hitclap.wav, but imo playing without custom hs comes with an acceptance that every map's custom hs won't always line up properly with the skin's hs
ok fixed on all diffs would just like to get this resolved quickly
yes fixed idk why it likes to revert itself sometimes
this is fine as is
i will forget
what the
yes fixed
kk done
oh yeah this has been long resolved now oops
isn't "pop" and "rock" already in "jpop" and "jrock"?
resolved for now
ok resolved on discord 02:24:109 (2) - changed to match length of 02:23:161 (1) - 02:24:740 (3) - removed reverse; changed to start at 02:25:056 -
changed sv to 0.9x for the first 3 pairs what do i do with 02:24:109 (2) - ? shorten to 5/6?
should be fine, this is the same as 02:32:003 (1,2) -
moved 00:22:372 (2,3) - 64px left
changed 03:20:003 (1) - to point left
this is fine imo, most of my distances are ~1.66 (5/3) 02:33:898 (7) - would be an even bigger issue if i went through with this
moved 00:42:740 (6,7,8,9) - 96px left -> tilted (6,7) away from each other to reduce antiflow
would like to keep 03:25:688 (1,2,3,4) - in the middle if possible
can i move 02:32:319 (3) - to the right instead? most of my 1/4 distances are 1.60x
i think it's fine for now, unless more people say it needs to be changed later
interesting my brain doesn't register that :slowyoshi:
wangwang pls re-apply hs copier :fat:
you want me to do the same to 01:17:807 (4,5) - too?
tilted 01:22:977 (2) - to the left instead of to the right moved 01:23:146 (3,4) - 16px to the left moved 01:23:485 (5) - 16px to the right
changed 00:29:951 (2,1) - to 5 circles for better emphasis on the off-beat (red ticks) instead
changed to fully horizontal pointing left
ok i basically reworked the whole part from 02:15:582 (1) - to 02:25:372 (3) - to remove the antiflow, but kept 01:01:530 (3) - , 01:52:056 (3) - , and 03:02:793 (3) - for now also changed 02:14:319 (1) - to remove antiflow
ok i added a normal-hitfinish2.wav that's basically a shorter and quieter normal-hitfinish.wav, and only used it on the first 3 of the last 4 notes hope it's a bit less aggressive now (if not just let me know again)
if i made them sound less harsh (lower volume + fade out faster), would that be okay?