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Plasma's Modding History

added :heart:
how did i miss u i might be a #genius
the way i map the verses i feel like it'd be kinda jumpscare to map the kick so i left it out + i like the large spacing between each slider and if i were to map the kick in a Non jarring way it'd kill the spacing only Once which imo seems off
buffed a little bit
i wanna keep the symmetry going with the 1/4 sliders here more
sure - upped to 9.4
true - changed
nerfed the rhythms
i definitely agree the hitsounds feel like they lack there - i'll update the mapset to fix this hopefully later today
artist name was not right .
changed but for realsies
changed to sstari's promise
okeydokey 🍔
u right, changed
My bad sdfl;kdfs;ldfs
these are for aranel's diff - must've accidentally overwrote with mizto's hitsounds while i was reapplying. added them back
ok i think i made it a bit better
Ohhh my bad - I think i'd rather keep it as is since i do the back and forth movement to highlight the guitar in the back (i do the same movement at 00:33:211 (1,2,3) - as well)
My bad - should be sorted
My bad.
i lowkey don't know what i'm doing with hitsounds :') i am willing to do whatever works best
i prefer the current combo colours :')
i will not forget. i will not forget
mizto did some changes to this - should be better now
adjusted timing to what mismagius suggested + timing should now be consistent across all diffs
i didn't change the direction up mainly cuz of the vocals having no change during those jumps + i feel like the movement into 00:40:042 (1,2,1,2,3) - feels a lot more impactful when i don't switch up the movement beforehand. will be keeping it how it is currently
my intention there was emphasising the melody holding the same note + the 1/4 gap of the piano - i think i'll keep as is
i did this to emphasise the cymbal here + i feel like the movement here would only be made more awkward if i put two 1/4 sliders that close to each other considering the rest of the kiai's spacing is consistently much higher
1/2 and 1/4** i love half bpm
i'd be missing one of the drum rolls for no particular reason if i removed the 1/8 emphasis there
i can't seem to quite catch the sound you're referring to - i personally think if i'm unable to hear it then it's probably subtle enough to not warrant an active 1/8 rhythm especially in a less intense section of the song
i did that to differentiate between the 1/1 and 1/2 jumps in that particular section - i think i'll keep it as is
nerfed spacing + changed movement a bit
ur right, changed
buffed to 5
moved it a bit to the left
i prefer the current ncs - i think the 1/3s r readable enough gameplay-wise and aren't that much of a priority in the song
yay ❤️
yee - changed
added all apart from meme