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Minion24's Modding History

the main concern i have is: why push it now if you know a rework is in the works? this map got pushed out as soon as the new rework hit and (i assume) the method to break it has been found. so the simple question i have is why now and not when it's fixed, this makes it look like nobody cares about what the playerbase thinks at all.
this song actually is heavily disliked by eurofans btw
since project sekai is mentioned here i guess technically fortnite festival could also be added to tags since the song is also there now? understand if you don't want to, btw
This will be a full set so dont worry
dan heng indeed
(i actually know that solo was the entry lmao)
applied all except top diff HP, i think HP5 is ok anyways
- applied - changed most of them to 1.2x - done
applying to all diffs with the decrease
changed both rhythm and patterning
slightly reworked the patterning so that most of the snares are now isolated notes
1 - 1.5x -> 1.3x 2 - deleted the note after cause i want to keep the finishers 3 - generally cause of the section's intensity but i had same sections have different svs so i just made everything consistent 4 - sure why not, 2x sv should be ok
changed to kkkkd cause of but if it really doesn't fit i'll rework both mods accordingly
don't really like this, plus i want to keep the nice 1-2-3 kats progression
my worst enemy, pattern consistecy (fixed)
sure and i actually found out that the first timing point is not exactly at 00:00:016 with this
also i'm not really sure about this but i think this needs a *(Cut Ver.)* marker as the version used here is around 1 minute shorter than the version used in the mania set METADATA (roxas is RABiL's previous name)
1 - sure, i moved the note 2 - feels better like this, applied 3 - deleted 00:35:040 but added a note at 00:34:894 for more variety 4 - made it more consistent
don't really like this suggestion but i'll remove it anyways
01:33:305 (164) - change to don as well
01:23:905 (52), 01:30:305 (62) - same
actually the change i proposed doesn't really make sense (what modding while being sick does to a man) a better thing to do is removing 03:04:759 (158) - and changing 03:04:974 (159) - to kat
move 00:45:902 (110) - 1/2 forward and change to kat
cool gimmick but i feel like this would be just overusing the joke so i won't change
00:39:045 (86,87,88) - same here, move the first note to 00:39:259 and then change to kdk
also 00:24:902 (44) - could be changed to kat for consistency, the patterns before and after have enough variety to maybe allow these 2 sections to be the same
Extra thing about the source: While a different mix of the song is used in the movie itself (mainly different backing vocals) the source is valid as the song itself is still in it, regardless of the mixing itself
finite spaghetti
idk why that was done for the VA names but not for the characters name, anyways fixed
tags breakdown after i realized the GDers from the mania set (cause i took the tags from there) were still in the tags `DECO*27 Spark ボーカロイド Vocaloid L/n Rockwell` -> stuff about the song `Project Sekai Colorful Stage Prosekai` -> source `星乃一歌 Hoshino Ichika 野口 瑠璃子 Noguchi Ruriko 天馬咲希 Tenma Saki 礒部 花凜 Isobe Karin 望月穂波 Mochizuki Honami 上田 麗奈 Ueda Reina 日野森志歩 Hinomori Shiho 中島 由貴 Nakashima Yuki` -> characters and VAs `Japanese Rock JRock J-Rock Pop J-Pop JPop` -> Genre/Language `Video Rhythm Mobile Game` -> other misc stuff
ebbene si, miku
oh wait i thought the tag was not there, reopening until i fix
applied some nerfs to the 2nd kiai
pretty sure the english tag isn't needed as there isn't the 2nd verse (which has the english part)
- first 3: mainly the fact that i don't want to have a long pattern in the 1st kiai, applied the 2nd one tho - removed the note at 00:46:600 - applied the next 2 - removed notes in the next 2 suggestions - moved and changed patterning to reflect better the vocals in the next one - applied the last one
read the map's description