I love making avatars,signatures, or anything that involves digital arts :3 just PM me if you want me to make you some~ BTW i also like doing technical support stuff~ so feel free to ask xD
hi guys~ senkai here~ my name irl is Edward but jst call me senkai~ nyahaha
I've been a shut-in until last year,, I don't talk to anyone most of the time, so feel free to talk to me in-game, i'm usually free. I like love playing taiko, Though i also play standard mode once in a while
BURN IN HELL DS PLAYERS AND MULTI-ACCOUNT PLAYERS yeah, I would acquire the Holy Grail just to make all the cheaters at Osu! disappear.
Kotaro- one of my taiko buddies, my daily source of laughter she's also my Kotangent xD Primrea- The greatest sensei~ i went up from rank 1,900 to 1,200 in just 1 week thanks to her (and now from 997 to unknown lol) Inaba Shimayou- My first taiko buddy~ lol a funny girl to be with. BTW she's also my daily source of unwanted yaoi pics... srry inaba T T _FreestyleBeats- My best friend here at osu~ huehuehue~ one of the kindest players here Kyoren- one of my taiko buddies, my daily source of drama~ loljk He's a real friend, a fun guy to be with.... ryt now he's locked up in some game and can't log out. xD Ca Calne- The great, lolicon captain of Team PH he's the Double Time pro of the team xD He's also a Flashlight pro *evil laugh Hewshack- My first friend in osu~ we first met at a multiplayer match, (lol i guess we were at around 400,000 in rank that time lol) He's my great senpai when it comes to arts~
As I have said earlier, I LOVE PLAYING TAIKO GRRRR Laptop: ASUS K55V screen settings: widescreen (1366x768)
I play taiko with these settings: hardware: keyboard, mouse, and laptop key bindings: AS and L " preferred mods: HardRock and Nightcore for my right hand, i don't use my middle finger.. i feel that my streams are slower when using my middle finger.... xD that's why my key bindings is L and "
Osu! Standard
I don't play standard much, nothing much to say lol hardware: keyboard, tablet, and laptop key bindings: AS preferred mods: NONE lol
we are a team who specialize in detecting hackers/cheaters through our network of players :3 we gather enough evidence for any suspicious players, (replays,chatlogs, etc.) but because we aren't that official, we just gather info then submit them to the higher ups, let them review it, then BAN HAMMA! lol
*users banned since we started: _Silica_ stabias1003 Ridoriiiiiiiiii 143 Fianna Ray