Started as a osu!std player, but ended up dropping it because I was awful at it and had a few problems. A couple of years later, I tried taiko for the first time and decided to stick with it. I'm still the same shitty player though.
Taiko: AiAyako - Basically Coryn without being a 2-finger player; one of the nicest gals jk Coryn I luv u ARGENTINE DREAM - Polyglot, has the qtest voice and she thinks that my Japanese pronunciation sucks, but one of the nicest (and the gayest) gals anyway; self-claimed the best thing that have ever happened to this game (aka El Enrike)Shota lover Berg - VOCÊ É MUITO LINDO MANO KKK Bola - Such a great dude; fellow Borderlands/Fortnite companion BOLA GOD Brasil - INSANE player; drinking buddy MAS MILHO VERDE NÃO Coryn - INSANE HR, 2-finger player (seriously dude how???); one of the nicest guys; had to put up with drunk me, sorry T-T Duski - Has to put up with my poor English and random rants about my country. Sorry, dude. Brazilian memes lover Foxerus - Whenever I'm playing with him, I don't know if I'm playing Osu or Alien: Isolation. Sorry for taking so long to give you the supp I promised T-T HiroK - #1 BR, so don't even get me started on how good he is; plays TnT blindfolded (????); one of the nicest dudes VAMO USAR DROGA DESGRAÇAAAAAAAAAAAAA Kbludoh - I took so long to understand your nick, sorry T-T Kqrth - Gentle as an elephant; Bombrilho's lover Bombrilho - The guy who, for some unknown reason, still thinks I'm better than him, even though that's completely bs; one of the nicest dudes; Kqrth's lover (aka Kqrth2) Kyoumo - Has to put up with my drunk talks; one of the nicest dudes. You can achieve anything that you want in life, trust me, you deserve it, you just have to believe in yourself. Lolli - I'm still trying to figure out htf I have a higher rank than you. You're insane, really. Marm - Chess Grandmaster and CS pro player Mihinho - *whispers*; one of the nicest gals Tituh - Drinking buddy; one of the nicest dudes; soon-to-be fellow Italian resident <3 Ulyssesh - The most passionate Ranger I've ever seen; GIF maker; fellow Borderlands companion Rafacar - ENERONI's Taichou; fellow Fortnite/movies and maybe someday Civ V companion; fellow drum lover; had to put up with me ranting about my life, sorry dude T-T (aka Cigarrinho) Dreemurr - INSANE player; furro lover; one of the nicest guys Skid - INSANE player; dude who sleeps with men and MAN YOU GOTTA STOP SCREAMING MY GOD; SORRIZO RONALDO
And a HUMONGOUS thank you to everyone in the taiko Brazilian Discord server. I love you guys, really <3