playin14 - I will always look up to your scores and I want to thank you for being such a good and in fact my best friend. Without you I maybe wouldn't even play mania anymore and without you I wouldn't be a part of the german mania community like I am right now. You taught me many things. And I'm not only talking about mapping. rohen04 - Your scores are amazing and you are a really interesting guy. Also you are my controller-rival/brother! Feerum - I always liked your attitude and of course I respect your mapping capabilities. Sakura Kyoko - You're one of the first people on here I talked to and I will always respect you for your 4k plays. Noonuus - I like your general taste in art and you have a great sense of humour. [TaikoTori] - You are one of the reasons I started with 7k and only because of you I have these brackets in my name. DerMaxter - You're my biggest rival in 7k and probably the biggest rival I ever had. ReTLoM - You're a really nice guy and I respect your ambition when it comes to getting better. When I think about the Japantag I always think about how much fun it was talking to you! Dualshock - You're way too good in every gamemode and I will always respect your dedication.
And of course the german mania community as a whole!
Mania-Germany at Japantag in Düsseldorf - 20.05.2017