Metadata You can come clarify with me any metadata regarding Vocaloid songs, doujin music like Touhou is fine too. I will try my best to help.
Other Things to Note It takes awhile for me to get through requests so I if the map gets taken by other BNs when I reach it on the list, I will skip those maps (alternatively you can also just let me know to remove the request) I don't particularly have interest in high SR maps Please only send request when it is not graved or incomplete/WIP (it only needs to not be graved when I input the request into the GoogleDoc, it does not need to be updated after if there is no need. Leaving it in graveyard just tells me the map is not a priority at all) This is just so it can give me an indication that (at the point of requesting) the map is ready to go at any time
Taiko Maps For Taiko maps, send me a message through the osu website for mod requests anytime
Vocaloid Songs You can request Vocaloid (not covers) maps (any mode) here at any time
Singaporean Mappers For Singaporean mappers, you can contact me in the osu! Singapore Discord Server for a mod (any mode)
Doujin Song Maps Japanese doujin songs (any mode) can be requested in my Discord server
Every Other Map Requests Request in my queue if it is open Newcomer Pit-Stop is not likely to be open ✰✰✰ My Modding Queue ✰✰✰ Newcomer Pit-Stop ✰✰✰
Exception If you had a BN who has modded and was going to nominate but is no longer in the team, you can let me know
Modding Status From 12/8/2019, you can check mod requests status here: If there is no colour, I have not taken a look at it and decided yet. It may take some time for requests to be added into the list. I'll notify/indicate if I push forward/am interested in a map (Maps in the GoogleDoc highlighted in Light Yellow/Blue) I may express interest in those in Light Green depending on mod reply Maps in Green just means a mod. I may only look at some diffs in this situation. Re-requesting a map marked green or orange is considered a new request. I would not instantly reject just for being a repeated request, but whether the outcome changes is a separate consideration. Especially for Green modded maps, please message me if you are unsure or need clarification on anything I mentioned, if not I may not notice
Guest Difficulties If you are interested in asking for a GD, just message me with the song
Doujin Album Releases I've made a Discord server here, It's mainly to track new Doujin Music releases. You can contact me there as well to talk. There isn't any other function right now but if I can start any mapping projects for Doujin Music, it will be there. Or you can help me revive it with something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You can technically also request Japanese doujin song maps there as well in the request channel in there at any time, nobody ever does that but the option exists xd
Full version songs ♡ I like Vocaloid/Doujin music and like to talk about it Doujin music -> indie self-published works mostly associated with album releases at events like Comiket Feel free to PM in-game if you wanna chat too, I like sharing songs Respect: azuraerPyonta My Forum Game!