top popoff events in order: early feb 2019 - went from 162k to 126k in 1 week july 2020 - went from 34k to 26k august 2022 - went from 20k to 14k september 2022 - went from 13k to 4 digit early jan 2023 - went from 8.6k to 6k dec 26 2023 - went from 5.3k to 4.8k in one day (thanks plasma #BirthdayBuff)
thanks bubs for the 13.5(?) months of supporter i love you thanks edwin for the 12 months of supporter thanks dilf enjoyer for the 4 months of supporter thanks taronado for the 3 months of supporter thanks sahil for the 1 month of supporter thanks risu for the 1 month of supporter
i really wish i could be an ar 11 player like adamqs, freddie benson, weabole, parkes, or pewdekz, but unfortunately, i have to base my dreams in reality. i think if any players want to look up to someone whose skill level they can reach reasonably soon, read00001234 and Allas are perfect.
then, of course, there are speed players. i wish i could play speed... i wish i could play the maps they play without dt. my speed and stamina are really lackluster. ninerik, zoomer, zaqqy, aetrna, and especially ryuk are a spectacle to behold and i would gladly stop anything i was doing to watch them play.
older players make me wish i hadn't taken that 1.5 year break after registering. i feel like i could've been more than good... i'm also glad though because i definitely would've been hated for acting like this. regardless, oxycodone and ceptin scores have a special place in my heart for looking so awesome given the time period they were set in.
friends had a major impact on how i enjoyed this game. would i still be playing if i didn't play with reused in multis back when i was 6 digit? he was such a big catalyst to me enjoying this game, i would literally stay up until 1 am to watch him play (multiple times) when i would usually go to sleep at 10. i watched him go from a jump player to a speed player. it doesn't even feel like that long ago when i recommended sotarks diff of sakura no uta to him. time flies.
without these people, my enjoyment of this game would be a lot less. thank you for taking the time to read this