if you play any of my maps send me a replay Please it would make my day send me it on discord at 51541651713565138172162237393374
tell me to map anything i will probably map it
my pinned scores are what i consider as my best play of each year i've played
i have every map i've ever finished on my profile since i started. i like preserving the whole history, even though obviously the further you go back the lower quality they are... if you're looking for my "decent maps" you can try zan'ei (#18 in list below) and later, they're all fine
Yumeiro Toridori Parade: first ever map! i made this map after about 6 months of playing and i was fully an aim player at the time so there are Zero bursts. pretty typical first map stuff. ever since i began, i always wanted to watch someone play. cus it's just cool to see. Send me your replays Now
Map #2
Rockefeller Street: lots of jump spam yay. also OD4 for some reason. the description, written with infinite wisdom, utters "idk im gay"
Map #3
Die (feat. Casey Lee Williams): i remember i had watched rwby at the time and liked the music from it a lot. i think this is the first map i really tried to put some amount of Effort into. it holds a special place in my heart
M.R.: i asked my friend what song i should map, and they suggested something from rabi-ribi. this is definitely my best map of this time period and my own style began to form here. way more coherent than anything i had made before, and i kindof like it.
also, at one point, one of my friends showed someone (not sure who but i remember them being like 3 digit) this map, and they mentioned that they liked it and wanted more maps like it. which is funny because i was sure my mapping wouldn't be liked by anyone at this time LOL but i cant really time travel to create more things with the attitude towards and knowledge of mapping that i had back then unfortunately. so this is all you get
Map #9
inside a dream: i am upset about this one because i randomly decided to remap it... Then only did 40% of the song... and then ERASED the old map so i'll never get to see what it was like originally. i legit don't even know why i decided to do that, i was barely playing in 2020 and was nearly completely inactive from march to november, but then one day in september i just randomly sign in just to erase a whole map and then not even finish the remap? smh. not even anything special either.
Map #10
One Room Sugar Life (TV Size): i had returned to the game in december 2020, and wanted to really try my hand at mapping this time around. i finished the whole thing in around 6 or 7 hours, then over the following months made some small changes here and there.
Map #11
IMAGE -MATERIAL- <Version 0>: "im probably way too bad at mapping for this but ill try anyway" and then didn't know what to do for one part and never finished it lol. this is something that is my main issue with mapping, is that i'll randomly get mapping block for some part of the song then not know wtf to do next
and the day goes on: i love bill wurtz! and his songs are criminally undermapped in osu... every once in a while the bill wurtz mapping urge will kick in and i'll make a map for one of his songs. this is where it all began. you can see more of my style starting to emerge, and also the star slider is cool.
Map #14
Losing Face: here is the beginning of a completely garbage period of my life. a lot of the following maps were therapeutic for me to make, to vent off some emotion. i started this particular one in july 2021, but didn't finish the last third until on april 9 i was really just mentally exploding and so mapped most of it. my emotions just so happened to align with the song's emotions too so it fits pretty well. my longest map up to that point, and it's also how i learned how to do more complex timings.
Map #15
All U Need Is Love: All U Need Is Bill Wurtz. this has always been one of my favorite songs from him! i might even re-map it one day.
Map #16
STAY ONE: asked another friend what song to map, they like the oral cigarettes so i mapped an oral cigarettes song. this is also the first map that someone told me is rankable, and the compliment has stuck with me ever since
Map #17
Tough & Intense: asked the other friend what song to map, they suggested suguri theme. honestly i thought it turned out kinda weird at the time but it's alright
Map #18
Zan'ei: my style is REALLY starting to happen in this one. this was also the first map i ever was genuinely proud of when i first finished it. far from perfect, and looking back i was blind to some issues with it, but it was my new longest map and i thought it was cool. "i like the aim! it's a good map, i like it" "but like yeah, that is a map. i played that map. and that map, was mapped." - weed machine
Map #19
One Day: unfinished, some vent mapping. why'd you have to kill my cat
Map #20
Hell of a Ride (Studio): i was sitting on this one for a long time since i did not know how to map the chorus, but eventually i got something decent, and now i'm not so scared of making long sliders. once again mapping powered by strong emotions.
Map #21
goo soup: more vent mapping. bill wurtz is necessary
Map #22
Koi no Serenade (Cut Ver.): mapped in june 2022 for a friend, edited in jan 2023. just figured i'd publish it
Map #23
Manemane Psychotropic [Album Ver.]: when i was making it, i had this weird fixation on the date intervals. goo soup was jan 14, koi no serenade was jan 19, and i wanted to keep the pace at 5 days per map and finish it by jan 24. i have no idea why this worked but it actually got me to finish it by that time. this map felt like one heck of a breakthrough, even moreso than zan'ei did. still not perfect, but i'm quite proud of it to this day.
update 10/6/2024 - as of today, i consider this map to be the major turning point in my mapping journey. this is what separates 2023 and beyond from anything before then. i still feel completely comfortable showing this map to people today
Map #24
Guitar to Kodoku to Aoi Hoshi: when i first finished this i felt kindof underwhelmed and wasn't very proud of it for some reason. looking back on it now, it turned out fine. thanks for gd moneto
Map #25
Die (feat. Casey Lee Williams): i was stuck in a mapper's rut, and was too worried about making a "Good Map" that i ended up not making anything at all. so i decided to fight this by speedmapping this song in one day. this is a remake of Map #3, i tried to keep the spirit and 2018 me's vision alive in my modern style. even though i placed notes without thinking much about it, it turned out pretty okay again. and hey, i can play it with halftime at least lol. also double moneto gd thanks again
update 10/6/2024 - yeah about that, that's probably not moneto. and also i don't talk with that person anymore, let's leave it at that
Map #26
Katagiri: katagiri... as of writing this whole section of my userpage, this is my most recent map that i finished 3 days ago and finished editing yesterday. when i was first mapping it i was hitting hard mindblocks for some reason so that's why it took so long to finish lol... some parts are not the way i want them to be, but i have to call it done at some point. no way i can make it exactly as i envision and place every pattern perfectly. i'm pretty surprised the tech section turned out as well as it did though, since it's my first time doing that sort of thing. i think it's a decent map overall anyways and definitely made me better at mapping by the end of it.
Map #27
Kyu-kurarin: i love this song and this cover sm. when i first started in february i didn't feel good enough to map it close enough to the way i want but (while wip) i think i can do it. i think it turned out nice. i think it's my cleanest map so far, and i'm pretty proud of it. my style has evolved to the point where i kindof actually like it. i like this one the same way i liked manemane when i first finished it. it's still not perfect, and maybe it never will be, but i am still getting closer to my standard with every map. nonetheless, i wouldn't be upset if i couldn't improve more than this amount of quality. i can look at it and say "it's nice."
5/4/2024 it all started when i rediscovered bocchis solo and it spoke to my soul. then i saw that no one actually maps the solo because it's not in the album version for some reason so i immediately mapped the solo in abt 2 hours. of course the rest of the song has to follow so now i have spent the last entire day working on it. hopefully i can finish by tomorrow
5/6/2024 i finished it today which is pretty cool. i didn't think that i would rival kyu-kurarin as my best map but this one just did lol...
5/18/2024 i finished this yesterday. overall really only took 2 days to map but i went travelling in the middle of it so it took a week. sometimes i worry about my mapping style since maybe it's repetitive? but when a song repeats itself it feels weird to try to make a Different Pattern for that same thing. especially since manemane, when i map similar parts of a song, i make something similar in shape. but honestly i don't even know if it's something you'd notice when you play. I also don't really know what the quality of my maps truly are because when you Made the Patterns (with all your biases and blindspots) its difficult to evaluate them. so if you're reading this and you want to tell me what you think, please go ahead!
10/6/2024 i finished this map all the way back on 7/12/2024, inspired by the first person who ever listened to the top line on my profile telling you to send a replay if you play my maps, Dinky. mapped for their skillset since they said they'd like a 8.2* - 9.2* 300bpm stream farm map... it was kindof speedmapped because it would be funny if i had the map instantly created after they asked for it so it was done in about 4 hours. which is craazy speed for me btw.
10/9/2024 finished this map yesterday, technically today but i kinda separate days by when i sleep and not midnight lol. i am very excited to have been the one to create this map. i'm super proud of it. there are barely any patterns that i dislike, and no overall section that i dislike (unlike in my other finished milestone maps like zan'ei, manemane, kyu-kurarin, etc). i kind of feel like i'm an actual mapper now. before i felt like i was just opening the editor to try to be a mapper, but this map has a cohesive structure and decent contrast and song representation all the way through (at least in accordance to my personal ability to evaluate maps). it really feels like i just sat down and made a map for the first time ever instead of just placing objects.
10/10/2024 feels like i finally evolved from being a beginner mapper in some significant way lol
10/20/2024 somehow forgot to add this here until now. this map was finished on 10/12 with major edits on 10/16, and it is the first part of a project that i am making of furina songs... cause i love furina she is a good character. eventually there will be a full map with every furina song that i end up mapping (probably 10) in a specific order. i think its a cool idea but it will definitely take a loooot of effort
10/20/2024 seems like i've caught a bit of a mapping fever, since this is only just over a week after my previous significant map... honestly for some reason i am not sure what to think of this map. it's odd, it's probably my best, structure-wise? at least, it's the map that i paid attention to how objects are laid out the most. it's not perfect (it never will be) but it's .. something idk. it's weird. i think it is at least a decent map all around but i don't know about "good" ... who knows when i will be able to evaluate myself well and be confident that my map is actually "good" though. in any case, i am one step closer to completing the furina project
started June 2022 Tewi Within - 39%. Actually not sure when I first started working on this, might've even been 2021. as i slowly improve at mapping it's getting easier to add onto this map lol
started May 2023 Shalalala Amen 2 (63%): i like a lot of this so far. will finish one day for sure.
started July 2023 the penis (eek!): still wanna learn how to properly make easy, normal, hard and insane diff and add them to this set. already have the top diffs completed though! and also an "advanced" diff that isn't really a normal diff but also isn't really a hard diff lol
update 10.2.2023: added hard diff. i think it mostly fits what a hard diff should be, idk if i went overboard on the spacing at the end part but good enough.
started June 2024 murmur twins: 54% done with extra diff. finish one day surely
daria math: closure - 45% done
Zettaiteki Ippoutsuukou ~ Unreachable Message: 3.5% done (even though its really low, its guaranteed that i finish this one day cus the song is good)
started October 2024 I'm the Rain - 51% done, i love inabakumori
i have always wanted a 700pp play and 10,000pp overall. if i ever get there, i'll be satisfied with what i've achieved. not to say i'll stop there. i also want 3 digit, 2 digit, and maybe even top 50. i don't think i'd care much for going past that though, cus i probably couldn't. this game is at a stupid high level of play at the top now lol, i wouldn't mind if i never made it close to those ranks
my goal with it is to have fun and never not be having fun. maybe as i play more i'll get more defined goals. i find it funny that galaxy collapse is farm over there, and it also looks cool, so one of my goals is to get a pass on that i guess.
i just want to be able to make maps as i envision them in my head, and then not have to take 5 months to do that. like i wanna be able to sit down and map 3 minutes of stuff in the way i like in a day. is that realistic? hmm...... well, we'll see if i ever achieve the first part, which is achieving the style i want. that's the main goal. if it ends up being slow then that's not too bad i guess. maybe another one of my goals will be to map every bill wurtz song (above 30 seconds length)
10/6/2024 the issue i have with mapping is that i'll know the rhythm i want to do, but i legit get mindblocked on what pattern to make. i can know the rhythm and sometimes even the general flow, but for some reason nothing comes to mind? and really, something doesn't need to come to mind. i can just put it where-the-hell-ever. but i still struggle with this. and it's what makes me map slow. if i never had to sit at one pattern for like 10 minutes then i would finish maps 10x faster. so somehow i need to overcome that lol. maybe i could make a ridiculously long marathon map of a song i only kind of care about (it needs to be that way, making a bad map of a good song feels like a crime against humanity) and shift my mindset to not care about what i place. that way i'll at least get experience forcing a pattern out of my brain ykwim