I'm currently playing, or at least trying to play the Witcher-Series, Guild Wars 2, Battlefield 3 and a lot of Zoo Tycoon lately.
On-top of that, I'm currently reading through all Deadpool-Comics. I'm planning to read some Batman/girl-Comics and after that some of the Joker-Series. Yes I am aware that those are the most mainstream Comics out there but bare with me here, I only started reading about 2 months ago so don't expect a whole lot of knowledge about them.
Sadly though, I don't always have the time due to my job.
Personally, I enjoy high-BPM maps more, considering that they fit my style much better. Yes, I do enjoy mapping Renard quite a bit, or electronic music in general. (Yes I plan to map more Renard and/or Breakcore).
Currently, I am only mapping short songs, usually around one minute in drain or under. This is because I simply don't have the attention-span nor the motivation to map a full set with 4 Minutes of drain-time. On-Top of that, I feel like I map every set with a 'diffrent' style. Slightly altered, to fit the song ect. And usually when I start mapping in that certain way, take a break and come back one day later, I just can't continue to map in this certain way. This is why I do most of my maps in one sitting, to keep it consistent with the over-arching theme. I guess that's also why I speed-map a lot.
I do not map Taiko. Yet.
A Few Words I tend to get a bit frustrated with mappers, esspecially new-mappers. I dislike their entitelment. People who have been mapping for a bit, like myself, tend to get brushed off as a 'member of the circle-jerk' while disregarding that there is actual knowlege in mapping and modding behind everything. We can all argue about Hollow Wing's maps and come to seperate opinions whether his maps suck or make sense, but at the end of the day, there is knowlege and time and skill put into it.
New-Mappers get frustrated. And I can fully understand it. I didn't pop up 5 or 6 years ago, like Blue Dragon or ztrot, so I understand how frustrating it can be to get noticed. It might be 10 times harder for someone to find a BN while having 0 ranked maps, than for someone who has 17. But you need to understand, that this 'circle-jerk' - if you persist on calling it that - didn't fall into their laps either. They worked hard to get their first couple of maps ranked. What makes you so diffrent, that you shouldn't?
If you want to get noticed then you need to stop mapping, and start modding. I honestly havent seen anyone who has 5+ ranked maps and 0kd. most of them hover around 40 or 50, if they are only doing m4m, or 100+, if they mod because they get asked to or simply want to. Modding helps you to build skills in mapping. No joke. You learn about diffrent settings, timings, appropriate hitsounding, new patterns, mapping-techniques, you get a vocabulary to understand everything better. It is so important to mod as a mapper. To analyze and apply it to your own maps. To find fault in someone elses maps and then to commit to not doing this mistake yourself.
Mapping takes creativity, skill, and knowlege. Ranking takes endurance, nerves and patience.
Yes! I am open again for mod requests. Maybe someone may ask themselfs where I've been in the past few months. Well, I simply didn't have the motivation and love for the game as I used to have, and I still don't. But I have time on my hands, so I might as a well use it and perhaps get back into this whole mapping and modding spirit.
So, requesting a mod is easy.
Contact me in-game
I'd rather have you contact me in-game than forum-pm. Simply because usually, if I read my forum-pms, I forget that they exist really quickly.
Anything you should take into account before contacting me? Well...
I'm not here to "teach", as in teach a new-comer everything about mapping/modding. I used to do that, but theres no way I have the time or patience left now.
I don't require you to have a certain amount of maps ranked or anything like that. I will briefly look at your mapset, and then decide whether I will mod it or not.