Please do not share my osu! statistics or personal details — only provide a link to my profile with "He doesn't like when something scans his userpage, so come check his userpage yourself!" text when asked. For additional info also provide "Anna Banana" poem by Wendy Stein.
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ㅤㅤㅤ[ X ] (blocked in my country lol) ㅤㅤㅤ[ Discord ] (blocked in my country too LOL) ㅤㅤㅤ[ Vk ] ㅤㅤㅤ[ Beatmaps ] ㅤㅤㅤ[ Project "Loved" ] ㅤㅤㅤ[ YouTube ] (guess what huh) ㅤㅤㅤ[ Twitch ]
+Comfortable & smooth flow +Clean readable patterns +Playability > Every sound implemented +Full editor area usage/coverage +Absence of stagnation patterns in one place +HP<6 CS<5 +Boring song -> (Short ver.) +Hitsounded, Storyboarded, nice Desription +Respect to GD mappers. +Respect to music & artwork authors: Linking their profiles if possible
Disclaimer: Just my subjective thoughts and yappin. You should not take these seriously.
Deleting the GD (once you got it in the uploaded set) without a good reasonable explanation is just rude to the other mapper. Its like nullifying their time and effort.
I think, that BNs should approach rankable maps and their authors themselves. I find it hilarious that you need to self-promote your map to BN among other mappers in order to get his attention. Its his job to rank the maps, not yours to tryhard its way.
Let mappers control their own beatmap's comments & discussion. I've seen plenty of trolls and offensive players disrespecting mapper's work. They are still there, all around, here and there. Why is it allowed to be so toxic here?
Autosave system should be in the non-lazer editor too.
Timings copy-pasting is funny and should be fixed. The pasted timings often have +- some ms misaligned to the timeline, but I think they sould be automatically snapped to the closest beat ms timing. Thanks to MappingTools we can do that, but why should I need external app like MT in the first place?
I can't understand why there is no "notice" button in browser editing window while having something like "box" or "image map".
If you are the author of the song (background illustration) and urge to remove it then you should know: Internet remembers write to the osu team, not me. I used opened sources and works of artists who were not disallowing their work usage at that time.
Feel free to use them as your inspiration or foundation for the same song maps. I'd really appreciate it if I see you mention it anywhere in description while doing it, but its still fine otherwise. There were actually a lot more maps unfinished but due to the dead HDD many of them became corrupted and unfixable.
QuitNovember 2024 Project Loved made me return Jan 27th