I would prefer if you have at least 1 ranked map, but you can request regardless if the rest of the spread is done and I can judge whether it‘s rankable.
I‘m open for most stuff, but prefer simpler and shorter songs. I like hip-hop, English pop songs, and memes but I also want to make GDs for Japanese songs since I‘m not likely to create a standard set for those myself.
Oni/Inner Oni
Just try asking but I‘m most likely to accept Vocaloid (if it‘s DECO*27 I will probably insta accept), Hip-Hop (German rap is a big yes), or Japanese pop songs (please call me for Yonezu Kenshi).
Full Page | Twitter | YouTube | Twitch If you want to contact me either hit me up on twitter, pm me on the forum or ingame or via Discord: CMX#9654
People who influenced me
Veloflex: basically my first friend in taiko, was always fun playing multiplayer together and he motivated me to get better in the earlier stages of my improvement.
DarkVortex: also one of my earlier taiko friends, we go back quite a while now when i come to think about it and he is one of the people who inspired me to start mapping.
Kinshiki: formerly known as X_Spitfire_X influenced me a lot in what direction i took as a player and also some stuff in real life too. Thanks to him i started using the Nightcore mod and focusing more on accuracy, which are now two of my main attributes as a player.
newyams99: one of my first modding friends who helped me out a lot back in the day and also played a crucial part in ranking my first map as a BN. It's been over a year now and look where we've gotten.
Nwolf: we may strongly disagree on many subjects when it comes to higher difficulties in mapping, but thanks to him i managed to learn how to map lower difficulties properly, which is an essential part of my ability to create maps for ranked today.
OnosakiHito: to be honest a lot of the stuff that he says is questionable to me, but he's still one of the biggest influences in the taiko community and always succeeds in pulling people together to discuss things.
asuasu_yura: watching him play motivated me to learn semi-alt instead of giving up when my wrists started hurting. Thanks to that decision i can now play 285bpm comfortably.
The pepe squad (Grimbow, magnomizer, Mekelemembe, Midnaait): some of my best friends on osu! and it's always fun to talk/banter with these guys!
sing216: motivated me to focus even more on accuracy and start farming SS scores a bit, which boosted my consistency to a level i had never reached before.
_Rise, _fu: inspired me to start playing HDHR which has now also become one of my main strengths as a player
Nardoxyribonucleic: as a mapper he is basically my motivation. I want to strive to be able to consistently produce maps of high quality like he does, which keeps me going.