Don't mod for a kudosu to push someone's beatmap without actually helping. You're only a decent modder if a kudosu doesn't matter to you. What's important is that you try your best to give reasonable objective and subjective suggestions equally in order to help improve the beatmap and to make the mapper aware of mistakes so they can learn from them. Explain your suggestions properly to bring your point across. Everyone needs support. Analyse, suggest, explain and teach. There is NO wrong suggestion.
Most importantly, be honest, kind, keep their mapping style in mind and don't get discouraged by rejected suggestions - you are trying to help and you can learn from their opinion. Only then, you deserve and should accept a kudosu; because you helped improve someone's beatmap and you was able to give meaningful advice, which will make the mapper aware of their mistakes in order to help expand their mapping knowledge to help them create even better beatmaps. Knowledge is a very powerful skill. That's the purpose of modding.
Keep in mind when replying to mods:
Don't accept mods to selfishly push your beatmap without actually applying the mod. You're only a decent mapper if a kudosu doesn't matter to you. What's important is that you try your best to comprehend objective and subjective suggestions equally in order to apply them to improve your beatmap and to learn from your mistakes. Reply to suggestions properly to explain why you decided to reject a suggestion. Everyone deserves an answer. Understand, accept, reply and learn. There is NO wrong suggestion.
Most importantly, be honest, kind, truthful to your mapping style and don't feel personally attacked by someone else's opinion - they are trying to help and you can learn from their opinion. Only then, you should hand out a kudosu to help your beatmap; because it improved your beatmap and you was able to learn from the mod, which will make you aware of your mistakes in order to expand your mapping knowledge to create even better beatmaps. Knowledge is a very powerful skill. That's the purpose of modding.
Storyboarding: - OMGOMG it has a SB!! Let's check it out!! .... Another equalizer ;w; - I wish I knew a programming language so I can make amazing SBs. - I'm not limited by imagination; I'm more limited by skill when it comes to SBing. - Where's the SB icon gone? And the custom title appearance for beatmaps? Anyone? - Patiently waiting for Xin's awesome SB tool c: (which will hopefully be BB friendly)
Modding and Mapping: - It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice. - Doesn't mean you have to map less only because it's Nightcore. Don't ruin perfect songs. - Where are all the good maps hiding at? If you see them, text me! - I wish there were more non-Japanese/anime songs on osu! - I also wish there were less 1 diff only maps(ets). It's sad. - 15k Extras 1 Easy? Hell, why not 15k Easies and 1 Insane! - Map in your unique style. Inspiration is one thing but having 100 maps that look identical is just shit. - Don't map for fame - map for fun. It's a lot more rewarding to be satisfied with the outcome of your work than having created a map that you don't enjoy playing for the sake of the crowd's praise. What's your work worth to you if you can't play it or don't enjoy playing it? Aiming for the crowd's praise is pointless long-term and will only give you temporary fame. At some point you won't be able to live up to their expectations anymore. - Professional GDs - Why I use purple to reply to suggestions in mods? Red is extremely negative and I want to avoid giving the impression that I totally disagreed, because I'm not most of the time. Purple is also an explanation tool for me. - Don't mod/map something that you can't play.
I'm really satisfied with your mods, way better than some BN mods tbh - Phyloukz There are people who are better at modding than some BNs and they don't have any title *cough cough* you *cough cough* - ezek Not gonna lie, I'm surprised you aren't a BN - DakiniBrave I hope you'll be BN soon and rank my maps - DaxMasterix I wish you can join BN! - KittyAdventure My favourite modder - Lilyanna
20:02 BounceBabe: you know whats funny, a letter from church came today saying i need to pay shit for the 3rd time already. i need to quit church and actually become satan 20:02 Hobbes2: lol 20:02 BounceBabe: the irony 20:07 Hobbes2: (...) i never really god into it 20:07 BounceBabe: god into it ahaha 20:07 Hobbes2: oops 20:07 BounceBabe: no no its perfect xD
12:06 BeatofIke: this SB is so pro 12:06 Lally: uguu i love it too *D*
2016-09-27 22:31 DakiniBrave: side note, i'd like to thank you for some of the maps u made, particually the hey you nightcore mix, your maps were the reason i started playing osu >.< 2016-09-27 22:31 BounceBabe: for real? xD 2016-09-27 22:32 DakiniBrave: yep! 2016-09-27 22:32 BounceBabe: now thats a compliment thank you for that :p 2016-09-27 22:32 DakiniBrave: so when i saw you were going to mod my map i was like "holy shit"