1. your maps must fully finished before requesting (i.e. full hitsounding, storyboard, full version spreads/marathons, and what you consider ready for ranked). failure to meet the expectation will result in a denied request. 2. requesting a map does not mean that you will receive a mod or nomination, if you get a mod doesnt mean i will nominate. i will get in contact with you if i want to push your map forward. 3. as most bns or even the mapping/player database i have my own preferences as well when it comes to music, artists, and mapping styles. don't be offended or upset if your request doesn't get accepted. i'm sure someone out there will like it. 4. if you request multiple maps over a short period of time you will be subjected to my blacklist. if you do this i hope you can handle your consquences. 5. you will be blocked on sight if you send me requests with high pitched anime ayaya girl 24 singing about anything. (there are some exceptions when it comes to vocaloid-esque music though) 6. I STILL WANT A COOL RACCOON PICTURE WHEN YOU HAVE READ EVERYTHING IN THE "HAVE YOU READ THE RULES?".
METAL, rock, hip hop, electronic, JAZZ, vocaloid, folk, classical, BREAKCORE, pop, avant-garde/experimental, r&b/soul, SURF ROCK, and much more sub-category genres.
metal, various tech styles, alt, old style/grid, conceptual/gimmick (as long as it doesn't ruin the sake of gameplay too much), linear/awk aim, rhythm, kinda open to anything if it works with the song
send all requests to the form. no exceptions (rather not get jumped on every single communication platform). bn req form
you can track what i accept as well as decline but i'm not going to explain why i denied since its a good practice to find your own errors. bn log
please feel free to re-request on the form when and if you have a bn after you originally requested me.
however, note that i will be seeking maps to nominate on my own accord and wont be bound to just my form but including pending, tourney customs, and personal preference.
bns can dm me on osu or discord for m4m/b4b but i have my own standards and preferences.