Ivy_er is just like my little sister,she is in the first class who lead me in this osu world:> And then,lancelotof is the best osu friend to me,no matter in osu or in the real world.Also,he is the first net friend I met in life. zero cat,blazktea,DA-ZE,orangeneko,i2m_zhou,liang4048,thanks for the help you give to me. There are so many friends I want to thanks,but I'm a lazy girl~you know~If you are not be mentioned,do not be angry.You are just in my heart:D 草莓哥哥,苑姐姐,翔妹妹,萌孔圆,早苗老公,木木小受,脱脱伴娘我爱你们呐>///////////////////< 魏爷爷我们来领养个女儿吧喵~~