Mappers for great reference I DJPop/happy30/NatsumeRin If you can absorb and learn what this people did, you can develop your mapping style in any way you want.
Mappers for great reference II RLC/cRyo[iceeicee]/nold_1702 Mappers whose ideas are still mainstream and relevant to this day, even if executed differently.
My Mapping Core Ideas
style focus; each and every map is a little different from the previous so I don't get bored. rhythm focus; variety of melody and percussion layers mixed using undermapping and overmapping. gameplay focus; before mapping always deciding on what the map should be when finished. design focus: simple or conceptual depending on the song. favorite quote that applies to mapping;"Comparison is the thief of joy."
About mapping: I copy other mappers and sometimes just some concepts, but mostly I avoid mapping what modern mapping looks like. About modding: I like to mod without being forced to, it's a volunteer service that should be done respectfully and requested responsible.
Grave Revival: I'm currently looking for good diffs to map a spread to them! There's a lot of good maps out there that could be ranked but are mostly missing proper spreads. Currently aiming for maps 2014 or older, 2,5* ~ 5,5*
My first map ever,15/01/2016 ~ 22/02/2016; link If I learned how to map, anyone can, so don't give up!