The best way to play this game, is to go on tournaments, train for it, and get on the first place, it's way more rewarding to achieve, and we're not alone, that's the point. (you know what i mean o/) Since i stopped this game for more than 2 years, i can see that this game as evolved, like it's a fucking popular game! (joking, but kinda like it) I was before this break, #1600, and i can assure anyone who didn't play that game 5 years ago, not so many players was really good at osu! standard, just for this it's challenging to improve and.. maybe, try hard ! While keeping in mind the fun of this game which is great. (when we don't sliderbreak or smth else) If i can give advice, never give up, do not copy another player, be you, be unique and evolve into a cookiezi good player ! The main question, all the time, how to improve, there's no magic for this, it's not intended to be easy, you have to work for this (it's just a game after all)as you would do for irl, not exactly the same, but you get it. People in general, including me (at the beginning, first year), are retrying a map whenever the combo break, but it doesn't help you at all to do that, firstable, it ruin the fun of the song, then the map. Do not retry, never! (ok maybe when the first notes is a miss, there you can retry, don't be stupid as fu :d)
Keyboard : a bad keyboard but still better than a laptop keyboard anyway! :] Tablet : CTL - 470K (finally full area 12.26.13) (switched to small area 02.11.18) Mouse : G.SKILL RIPJAWS MX780 - 2200DPI Keys : 2 + 3 (4 = chalk :c) Windows resolution : 1920 x 1080 Osu! resolution : 1920 x 1080 (native)