Hello! just call me ryn. Im a part of the 8th generation of OT!denizens. Big fan of genshin and kpop, so feel free to talk about it with me. Some of my hobbies are listening to music and drawing. That's pretty much it. If you feel like talking with me just visit me in OT or pm me. Thanks for reading!
level: 96 friends/units: 60 (excluding dupes) unit flex: suika, shion, tewi, black youmu, koishi, yuuka, murasa , yorihime, blue reimujust to make you salty:3c f2p. blue raymoo came home at 20 pulls wtf (as of 06-25-2022 (DD/MM/YYYY))
thank you to ShinRun for 2 months of suptag! Thanks to the host of OT! Got talent for suptag! (1st place) Thanks to the host of OT! Drawing contest for suptag! (1st place) sorry if i forgot any