0th dan 7k: 21/8/2022 1th dan 7k: (skipped) 2th dan 7k: 23/8/2022 3th dan 7k: (skipped) 4th dan 7k: 19/11/2022 5th dan 7k: 23/11/2022 6th dan 7k: 30/1/2023 7th dan 7k: 12/3/2023 8th dan 7k: 12/5/2023 9th dan 7k: 30/6/2023 10th dan 7k:
2th LN dan 7k: 28/9/2022 3th LN dan 7k: 5/10/2022 4th LN dan 7k: 9/11/2022 5th LN dan 7k: 22/11/2022 6th LN dan 7k: 3/1/2023 7th LN dan 7k: 21/1/2023 8th LN dan 7k: 25/2/2023 9th LN dan 7k: 9/3/2023 10th LN dan 7k: 2/7/2023
5th dan 4k: 17/3/2022 6th dan 4k: 18/4/2022 7th dan 4k: (skipped) 8th dan 4k: 1/6/2022 9th dan 4k: 27/7/2022 10th dan 4k: 7/8/2022 Alpha dan 4k: 21/5/2023 Beta dan 4k: 17/5/2024 Gamma dan 4k:
7th LN dan 4k: 3/12/2022 8th LN dan 4k: 3/12/2022 9th LN dan 4k: 4/5/2023 10th LN dan 4k: 11th LN dan 4k: 12th LN dan 4k:
13/11/2022 Won the GBC #5 mapping contest (maybe getting first ranked map)
2/1/2023 Got my first Profile Badge from winning the GBC #5
14/1/2023 Participated in the 7K World Cup in team Germany (eliminated in Quallifiers Seed 20/16)
12/4/2023 First ranked Guest Diff
17/4/2023 First ranked Mapset (finally lmao)
12/5/2023 I Got accepted as a Beatmap Nominator!
Twitch (Dead MC channel) Twitch 2 (Basically Main channel, mania content) YouTube Discord: Vincus
Thank you to yz1155 for the 3 months of supporter for the mmf2 contest! Vielen Dank an [DE] Arthur für die 2 Monate Supporter <3 Danke an Feerum für die 4 Monate Supporter wegen des GBCs <3 VIELE DANK ]sushi[ für die 15 Monate Supporter für die mania germany challenges BIG <3 Danke an aracium für 1 Monat Supporter für die Streams beim mem4k Turnier <3