My skin is using content made by other people, so I thought of crediting them. Please consider supporting the original creators. The rest are either from osu skinner or I forgot how I got them.
This is the first skin I mainly used from 2019 to 2020. I rarely use it since long cursors are very distracting sometimes. Skin is edited by robin_be on YouTube, the original author is rustbell.
No one hasn't talked about this yet, so I thought of putting it here.
1: Open Control Panel. 2: Go to Hardware and Sound. 3: Go to Pen and Touch. 4: Under Touch feedback, disable 'Show visual feedback when touching the screen' and apply.
After the recent update for touchscreen performance points and star difficulty, I started to play osu! mostly with Touchscreen +KB. This means I only use my keyboard for key inputs, and touchscreen device to navigate the in-game cursor.
Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to. I'm better off becoming a better person.
Looking for more Bocchi songs to play or map.
One day, just one day, I will FC DracoVirgo - FLY and end this curse...
Missing one or more slider-ends does NOT count as a "full combo". Please, don't get me started with this because I know what most of you will say, so I'll explain the differences. Missing a slier-end once or a lot kills your HP really quickly depending on how high the HP Drain is. Let's say a beatmap has no spinner. If your score has 99.83% accuracy but you have one slider-end miss, then it'll most likely get surpassed by another score with exactly the same accuracy as yours.
Most of my beatmaps use drum kit hitsounds and they were all self-taught. My first beatmap to have one is When My Devil Rises by MAN WITH A MISSION. Beatmaps like TEARS OF TRAGEDY - Curse Bride and PUP - DVP had inspired me to use advanced hitsounds instead of simple. My hitsounds are free to use, feel free to let me know if you need any help with them.
I mostly only use background images that are related to the musical artist, song title, or source. I've seen a lot of beatmaps with good background choices, but I highly doubt most of them seem to fit the song that well. I think the only time I'll get mad at someone for using an unfitting background for the song is if the person used a FATE background for a Touhou song, which is illegal.
I tend to re-upload beatmaps if they get deleted. Sometimes, I also tend to create my own difficulty, or I'll only add my hitsounds before re-uploading. However, if you feel uncomfortable that I re-uploaded any beatmap without permission or there's a reason why you don't want it published anymore, please let me know and I'll delete it after it goes to graveyard. Please, do not get the mods involved as I don't have time for drama and I'll never appreciate it if you refuse to say something to me!
This is a list of beatmaps with one or more difficulties finished. Most of them are likely works in progress because I feel too lazy to make a full spread.
Any beatmap above 2:55 will be added here. Most of the uploaded beatmaps only have one completed difficulty, while the other ones are still working in progress.
Any beatmap under 2:55 will be added here. Even if the short song is considered a "full song", I'll still add them here either way. There are only a few because short songs drain my motivation and it might not look sharp if I try mapping a short song.
Beatmaps that I have reuploaded will be added here. Please let me know if you feel uncomfortable that your beatmap has been reuploaded and I'll delete it once it goes graveyard.
HP Drain is not worthless and stop using low HP on difficult beatmaps as a gimmick. I just gotta "love" how people have HP under 5 on their Expert difficulties and still got away with it.
Ever heard of ranking criteria? People are following the guidelines, but some of them are only ignoring the HP setting, and they kept doing this on purpose.
The whole purpose of HP is difficulty range and achievements. Expert+ difficulties aren't supposed to be for Beginner or Advanced users because it's EXPERT!
I've seen a few beatmaps have HP Drain under 5, only the Expert and Insane difficulties, which feels questionable. If a difficulty has HP0, then people who have lower ranks can pass it with no effort and possibly get a free medal, which should be illegal.
Me personally, the difficulty settings should be set as a rule for each difficulty instead of being a guideline because this has to stop. Imagine if someone made an 'Easy' difficulty that breaks the guidelines and it still got ranked anyway, I bet you would generally feel as confused as I am, but serious.
People really have no dignity, pushing the boundaries by breaking guidelines is not cool, it's dumb, and in all honesty, do NOT get me started! I still use HP higher than 5, but my best limit is 6 because people complain about high HP beatmaps and it annoys me. If you hate high HP beatmaps so much, then most of them aren't for you, pal. You don't have to play it, no one is forcing you to play it, so relax.
I thought of making this because I had enough of seeing highly toxic people fight over a dumb beatmap.
Calling someone "bad" over a comment about a beatmap lacking creativity or having cringy content is like making fun of a kid for having a funny look when it's not their fault for being born that way.
I'm just gonna flat-out say this. Your beatmaps are trash, it doesn't matter how beautiful they look, and you probably haven't played that beatmap yet! Just accept that people have their own opinions and they have the freedom to share them!
If you refuse to take it, then good for you. Spam "you're bad", "skill issue", or "people's global ranks" all you like. If only you can say those same things to yourself.
I hate Fortnite and Among Us. Any profile picture, cover image, comments, and beatmaps related to those games will result in a permanent block. Anyone who hates those games but willingly defends the people who play them is a hypocrite.
Please let me know if you like to become friends. There's Mutualify if you like to use that as well. It's where you can check who have you followed, then you can view their profile and follow them back to become friends.
The next person says 'User not found' because they got restricted will be blocked. I understand that they got restricted because it's either they cheated or they kept breaking the rules on purpose, but seriously. I don't understand why people keep spamming this 'user not found' nonsense repeatedly. To anyone who loves to keep spamming 'user not found' comments, quit using it for attention! I'm not surprised that people haven't talked about this yet.
I know a few will question why there are some many deleted comments on my beatmaps. I'm sorry to break it to you, but I can't give you an answer to that because you'll eventually make fun of me for it. I rather not think about the things I've done. To anyone who's been there before, forget it all and move on, please! I want nothing to do with every one of you, so please, leave me alone!
I'm trying my best to keep my anger under control, I recommend you ignore my comments because it's not even worth your time and I rather spend my time on something else. I would delete all of my comments if I can, but it'll take a while because I have to delete one at a time and I'm not used to looking back at the things I regret doing. I know some of you already checked how messy it is and if you're curious to know why, most of these comments I made are just intrusive thoughts. Also, before you say 'skill issue', 'digit', or 'raito' as your best insult because of my opinions about how bad the beatmap looks, I want to say that you're a cringy ego. No one cares about how good you are at the game and how famous you are. Just let it go.
Replying to someone's comment by using 'skill issue', 'digit', 'level/ratio', or 'didn't ask' just to make yourself look "cool" because of their personal opinions on how bad the beatmap looks, will only make you even more cringe. Okay, I will say this to everyone I have on my blacklists, just this once. I'm calling a beatmap horrible, it's not because of how difficult it is or how bad I am at the game, it's because it looks like kindergarten preschool trash.
If you support and defend my biggest enemies, then we're not friends anymore. So, I recommend you block them right now, otherwise, get blocked. You don't understand what they did to me in the past and even if I explain what happened, you're just gonna make fun of me because all of you kids do nothing but make people mad or cry with your immature behavior for fun. Every year I get deeply traumatized, psychologically abused, having the things I loved taken away, and my family hurting me in many different ways.
I wish there was an option to hide my name history because my old username is ugly, it reminds me of the bad days and I rather not think about it. Unfortunately, it will never happen. I'm not sure if asking the Staff to remove my old username would even work. I have one job, and I ruined it, all of it. I'm just nothing but a laughing stock to people. I can't even force myself to think twice!
I bet one of you doesn't understand my pain and how bad PTSD is, so what's the point of you guys standing here? If you don't understand, then it's perfectly fine. I already know people don't show me love and support on this platform anymore.
About the 'Box of Shame'? Honestly, I don't know what I was thinking before turning 18 years old, so I might as well remove this box or delete most of the unnecessary comments, I should probably do both. I wouldn't recommend checking my comments, it's just so bad.
I'll permanently block whoever has an avatar, cover image, posts/comments, or beatmaps related to these listed under my blacklist. Please understand that I will eventually stop doing exceptions because I would rather not be reminded that one of those things listed under this blacklist exists.
Fortnite Among Us Raid: Shadow Legends Skibidi Toilet Gegagedigedagedago Ei Ei Ei I'm on Vacation Singing Steak That Vegan Teacher Nikocado Avocado Andrew Tate Max Design Pro Sad Cat AI BENBROS Law By Mike Albert Can Cook