Hiii! I'm Lenkon. I am simultaneously Beatmap Nominator, Mapper, Storyboarder, Mentor in mapping and modding, and Aspiring Game Developer. I'm 18 years old and I'm studying to be a computer programmer. Unfortunately, around the summer of 2025, I will have to leave these roles due to starting my military service.
I'm a fan of Touhou and Reimu Hakurei <3 Also my favorite artists are Sati Akura and Akatsuki-Records :3
| SenSenko | (or Tatara Kogasa)(or my second wife)
I am grateful to SenSenko for supporting me in my journey as a mapper, as a modder and as a BN. And also that he tolerates my English in voice chat and thanks to him I'm practicing :3. If he leaves osu!, I will bring him back (tested, btw)