7,000 - 12/30/20 | Score (First RANKED 7 star FC. Yes I know this is missing 1 sliderend.) 7,000 Again (Because of rework) - 1/17/21 | Score 8,000 - 4/26/21 | Score | Overwrote this a day later with a S rank rather than 1 miss, man this still hurts. LOL 9,000 - 4/25/22 | Score | I'm so fucking good lets go, JUST BARELY UNDER A YEAR. 10,000 - 9/30/22 | No score, was done because of rework. Pretty crazy I blasted through 9k to 10k in 5 months. 11,000 - 11/8/24 | LMFAO 2024 WATERCOLOUR CAME IN CLUTCH FOR THIS ONE. 596pp WHEN SET. Emoticons DTHRHD FC 12,000
8/16/20 - Thanks to my dad Krizto for getting me supporter poggers. (1 month) 9/14/19 - Thanks wahoo. This man entered me into a supporter giveaway without telling me and I won it lmao. (1 month)
NM/HR - Xootynator's skins, any Aristia Edit, rarely Azer8dusk. DT - Rafis DTHD DTHR - Rafis DTHD Sytho edit or just Rafis DTHD
I'm Connor. I play osu. Speed is fun. Some of my best scores are speed plays that I probably have pinned. If I know you but don't have you added back feel free to ask for mutual.
February is speed month. March is flow month. April is HR month. Everything else is shit month.
IF YOU'RE A PART OF WEST VIRGINIA, JOIN THE osu!WV SERVER. DO IT. If you aren't a part of WV, we welcome you anyway.