When i was first learning the game he seemed to be on top of every leaderboard, and it always blew my mind. His attitude and dedication to osu! are legitimately amazing in itself, and he's set some of the nuttiest scores of all time. Whenever i feel like im losing drive, i watch a stream or video of his and immediately get hyped again.
The reason i got into osu in the first place. Insane mouse player, and one of the best FPS players out there. His drive and work ethic during his time in OWL was a huge influence on me wanting to improve in ways that went beyond "playing more."
Epic gamer and close friend. Easily the greatest circle clicker of our generation and every generation to come. Mapper too. Also totally not a furry! (Just paste that into the bio and then i will send the money to your paypal. dont forget to delete this part)
This dude is a monster tournament player with a gargantuan brain. His approach to gameplay and skillset analysis and improvement methods have always resonated with me a ton, and its amazing to see him put out videos and community focused content to try and provide help to players who are looking for it
Basically an example of what would happen if you stacked all your skill points into acc and reading. I wish he still played actively. (also Pls give me your machine aim.)
Do i really even need to say anything here? Every skillset has a player who stands out and excels at it. Shige is in the conversation on all of them. Legend.
Nutty player. Has an FC or at least a high acc A on almost every map i find. Creator of poggers osu history videos, which is actually a godsend for people like me that didnt even know the game existed for most of its lifespan, and that deserves so much appreciation.
I want to preface this by saying that these are kind of listed as they were when i set them, however, my attitude towards osu and goals like these has shifted a bit, and im not particularly trying to set specific scores on specific maps right now. That mindset kind of became stressful whenever i would play those maps and it was making the game way less fun for me, especially now that i have to relearn and repractice a lot of skills. At this point consider them examples of things i wanted to do at some point.
its so hard for me to put anything here bc after a week i just do better ones. a lot of these scores have been drastically improved since initially set and im too lazy to fix this section This one was sightread: