1 HP for beginners: 1st Moon: 97th - 128th [seed #112 out of 167] Speed of light 2: 3rd in group with yz1155(How can you be so good!?!) [seed #37 out of 87]
4 Digit MWC 3: 13th - 16th [seed #11 out of 34] SOFT5: 113th - 128th [seed #124 out of 231] SVSE: 25th - 32nd [seed #39 out of 58] Tournamint 3: Team No Name with username1947 [seed #33 out of 41] MWC 2021: 25th - 32nd [seed #30 out of 38] BTFMFAR: 13th - 16th [seed #5 ouf of 67] worst bracket luck of all time NNT: 17th - 24th [seed #28 out of 68] ARB: 25th - 32th [seed #54 out of 66] JOKE2: 13th - 16th [seed #10 out of 39] best player who only used 1 finger though Tournamint 3.0 + 1.0: 17th - 24th as captain of Team No Name Part 2 with username1947 and ERA Punish [seed #31 out of 80] New Year "Balkan" Tournament 2021: 1st very scuffed scrimmage tourney lmao
4 Digit MWC 4: 17th - 24th [seed #15 out of 39] WE ARE NOT CURSED, but won the fantasy league and was captain! Touhou Project Mania Cup 2: 9th - 12th [seed #23 out of 59] with the ERA squad (Punish, Klarion and Zenith) SOFT6: 65th - 112th [seed #86 out of 168] really fun tb match with popomon! The broken matrix: 17th - 24th upper bracket [seed #11 out of 73] Holomania: captain of team yay! [seed #38 out of 78] with the german tourney squad VLTMT:MT: 33th - 48th [seed #3 out of 67] high seed = bad bracket MWC 2022: 17th - 24th [seed #20 out of 41] awesome match against china and really happy to had the chance of being captain to such a strong squad, next year we will return even stronger! (Also won this Fantasy League :3) O!M Long Note Tournament 3: 33th - 48th [seed #58 out of 118] had a really fun match against ERA Frossno and generally one of the most stacked tourneys ever! Combro Cup: 13th - 16th with team hole digging club (Jkzu123, NeonDrakon, [GS]Rose, GM_Shadow and Spktr, defo had an awesome team chemistry!)
4 Digit MWC 5: 13th - 16th [seed #11 out of 40] and third in the fantasy league Speed of light 3: 1st in group and 17th - 24th overall with yz1155 [seed #14 out of 72] Mania Collegiate League Spring 23: 7th - 8th [seed #7 out of 32] best EU team! with ERA Leo and Cyaewin Touhou Mania Cup 3: 7th - 8th [seed #8 out of 87] with yz1155, AomDCO and NeonDrakon(the first 2 carried hard but shhhhhhh I played a few xD) Quaver Official Tournament: 16th - 24th out of 573 registered players! Statistically my best tournament performance featuring draws against [LS]Eeriee, ime and winning against Jole and ERA Zenith! SVSE2: 18th - 32th [seed #18 out of 44] Team saataa andagii with sirbeyy MWC 2023: 13th - 16th [seed #26 out of 41] WE GO EVER FURTHER! Gibraltan osu discord multikey event: 1st! - 5th, from 1k to 10k, all of em in the pool! ALSO 4 MONTHS SUPPORTER FROM CirnUwU <3 anti meta madness: 25th - 32nd [seed #25 out of 98] IRL: Mania: 17th - 24th [seed #15 out of 36] Team Eventually Reaching Arthritis feat. Bruhman with ERA Jungle, ERA Zenith, ERA Minikrimi and xxxbruhmanxxx GBC 2023 Autumn: 9th - 12th [swiss 7th out of 16th, quali seed 49 out of 95] Team with, aomdco, [GS]Tanachod, ERA Minikrimi and [AR]lv3plane AOM DONT PICK ME FIRST GRRRRRR Loved Map Mayhem: 1st [seed 17 out of 65 lmao] with Eliminate, Zoobin and H1Pur First real tourney win!
4 Digit MWC 6: 13th - 16th [seed #18 out of 40] with Blacku1, Sirbeyy, Niko_Plays, Lotex09 and Crqstalized7 Everyone is just sandbagging at this point :sob: NFT2: 25th - 32nd [seed #25 out of 66] as Team tim with ERA Cath, NeonDrakon and ERA Fisu MKCC: 5th - 6th [seed #5 out of 65] as Team Arccats pet Sitters with JayLye, Evirir and shokoha GBC 2024 Autumn: 10th from 16 [draft seed 67 out of 118] as Team kimmui femboys with Naaaad, oyama mahiro, KimMui and nolol
Black Clover Fiesta: 2nd with team cta as captain (with ERA Sirbeyy, Dream Fire, Leinou, Yukyubi, IamSprigatito, ByeDreamZ, Kuprip, -TANAKITO-, -Shrinoo- and Coolkeeper) sadly lost in bracket reset tb :c 4 Digit CWC 2022: 5th-6th [seed #3 out of 36] (with 13187berlin, white-raven, Cynaestra, KukajuLp and ERA Sirbeyy), not a mania tourney as expected of me but still a really fun experience and I actually got to play a few maps (der mm2 carry lebt!) Catch the Magic 3: 13th - 16th [seed #16 out of 16] as vice captain of team UnitedLowDigit (with D o k a, Devil_Oid, Ezius, Zileni, 11Nuttellinha11, CTB WhiteCat and Nerris) going down with fun and style!
Newbie Taiko Journey: 70th from 84th in qualis, still happy cause I only played Taiko for about 2.5 weeks Crazy Mod Cup: 25th - 32th [seed #23 out of 36] lost in tb :c, with [HD]Urrk, ERA Punish and Jole osu!multimode MMT23: 7th - 8th [seed #8 out of 33] Team I just woke up with Voltaeyx and AuroraPhasmata
RGW1: Ref + mappooler RGW2: Mappooler DM3M (German national): Host with sirbeyy and icedynamix Germany vs Ireland Showmatch: Host Germany vs Denmark Showmatch: Host DACH 4k Championship 2023: Host osu!mania Italian Cup 2023: Mappool playtester and replay maker Genshin Mania Cup: Skillban committee member osu!mania 4K World Cup 2024: Playtester Brawl League 2025 BNL x DACH: Co-Host
1 month of supporter from Retina, LS game night was fun as hell! 1 month of supporter from Sirbeyy, played in the game night aswell and just gives me his prize, would insta segg ᗜˬᗜ 1 month from Jabbruh, he be doing a bday gift uwu 4 months from EimitMaggi999 for passing a multimode challenge :3 4 months from CirnUwU for winning the gibraltan osu discord multikey event <3 Much gratitude to y'all!
Mikaska47 (Dude walks up to me in school and asks if I play osu, madlad) sandu2003 (we be going back ages) Bingo6 (best std player I know no cap, also insane at rocket league, certified multi talent) Cohron (we be loving cute cats frfr) Janayouu (dont you dare use that god damn hair scratcher again, I'll be angy :c) ElectroYan (Convention buds :handshake:) Tiger (big motivation when I started out, also school > osu) N4aci (remove mal die Auberginen, has the best house there is) [Crz]DaniVSRG (keyboard go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr) Cakeboss05 (lost brother) ERA Sirbeyy (we luv cta! Also drinks 5L of fritz kola everyday) ERA Punish (irl teddy bear that is a chad at sv) Vinci007 (Kinda got me to grind a bit of catch after Japantag 2022 xD) Takedown05 (LowTierJack god) Cyaewin (most chill ln player I know, also god in 4/7k and catch) [HD]Urrk (I swear to god if we go to the Japanviertel next year again :skull:) EiMitMaggi999 (Based chill mapper, giant Zhongli) YasiCreeper (Tiktok e-celeb, crushed me in guitar hero :c) hexe (overtook cakeboss in no.1 mania germany troll) oxs1 (very silly goober) resoa (Imagine wearing the same shirt at dokomi and playing ddr there for 2h, couldnt be us) Marshallracer (Very chill and passionate dude, always nice to talk and chill with)
And of course everyone I met at Japantag 2022 and 2023! And on COE 2023 aswell! Too many too list em all here qwq, but enjoyed every minute with yall!
how to be like medkek Stage 1: Music like this [SV like this] Stage 2: My Only Way [Stage 2: Metaphysical Voyage] Stage 3: Axeria [Stage 3: Luminous] Stage 4: Sylcmyk's Theme [Palette] Stage 5: eth ken [BOKKEN PINK] Stage 6: 2 Minutes Euphoria [Stage 6: neverlasting.] Stage 7: nachmancore (Cut ver.) [Stage 7: konatacore] Stage 8: slluuddggee [hedoro]