The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) The Lighthouse (2019) (The first watch. consecutive viewings aren't the same) The Shining (1980) Shock Cooridor (1963) A Clockwork Orange (1971) Sullivan's Travels (1941) Citizen Kane (1941) Metropolis [(1927)Silent film] Eraserhead (1977) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) 8 1/2 [(1963)Italian] Blood Simple (1984) The Third Man (1949) The 400 Blows [(1959)French] Spirited Away [(2002)Japanese] Chinatown (1974) Harvey (1950) The Kid [(1921)Silent Film] Hereditary (2018) Dr. Strangelove (1964) House [(1977)Japanese] Seconds (1966) Brazil (1985) Lost in Translation (2003) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) Persona [(1966)Swedish] Yojimbo [(1961)Japanese] Stalker[(1979)Russian] Amarcord [(1973)Italian] Parasite [(2019)Korean] Midsommar (2019)