Hello! I'm a 17 year old guy from Sweden. I kinda quit playing osu! but I still map a lot. I also like to create music. My favorite mods and mod combinations are EZDT (Just EZ gets boring), DT, HDDT, FL, EZFL, HDDTHR and HR. My favorite mapper is Melloe. At the moment I am trying to get my first ranked map. Cya, gotta go click the circles!
My best rank so far: #2262 global and #30 Sweden My highest raw pp so far: 9271 pp My highest pp play so far: 579 pp My highest star rating pass so far: 10.05* My highest star rating fc so far: 7.79*
Get my first global number #1 score on a map [x] 2019-12-17
Gamer Moments:
Rank #25720 7.1* fc choke
2019/10/17, Rank #25720. I just choked a 7,1* SS. The play would have been worth around 440 pp. 1 Shitmiss. 1 FUCKING SHITMISS. F Map: beatmapsets/938926#osu/1962161 +HDDT
Rank #18136 First 400 pp
2019/12/02, Rank #18136. I just got a 7,23* FC. LETS GO!! The play was worth 403 pp and it's my first 400 pp play. Now my goal is to get a 500 pp play. IM SO HAPPY LETS GOOOOO!!!! Map: beatmapsets/1028594#osu/2150737 +HDDT
Rank #10721 371 pp 7.6* choke
2020/03/04, Rank #10721. I just got a 7,6* FC choke worth 371 pp. Lets go!!! I gained around 400 ranks, and I think that I'll be 4 digit soon unless the pp rebalance is today or some shit. I'm really happy about this play. Lets goooooo!!!! Map: beatmapsets/737128#osu/1556336 +HDDT
Becoming 4 digit
2020/03/10, Rank #10289 (#9745 After the play). I JUST GOT A 399 PP PLAY AND NOW IM 4 DIGIT!!!! LETS FUCKING GO YES!!!!!! I did choke and miss in the ending, and if I didn't choke the play would have been 461 pp, but I'm still so fucking happy because I'm finally 4 digit. LETS GOOOOO YEYEYYEYEYEYE!!!! Map: beatmapsets/968171#osu/2025938 +DT
Rank #9748 372 pp 470 choke
2020/03/11, Rank #9748 (#9386 After The Play). I just got a 372 pp play (it would have been 470 if i didnt choke). Lets go!! I just got home from school, warmed up for about 20 minutes and then I got the play lmao. Map: beatmapsets/661919#osu/1401254 +DT
Rank #7649 8.83* fc choke 549 pp
2020/05/25, Rank #7649 (#6632 After The Play). I JUST FUCKING FC CHOKED FIERYS JUSTADICE DT. 549 PP LETS FUCKING GOO!!!!!! I fucking got 92% acc and b rank which is my worst acc on the map. I almost always get 96 so I'm fucking mad I choked acc so bad. I gained 180 raw pp though lmao. I know it's a trash play and I'm mad it's a b rank, but I'm still super fucking happy. LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Map: beatmapsets/983942#osu/2058788 +DT ㅤ
From #3153 to #2473 in 1 day
2020/11/01, Rank #3153 (#2473 After The Plays). Today has been my biggest pop off in osu! ever. I've gotten a ton of crazy scores and went from 8.6k pp to 9k pp. I have no fucking idea how I got all these scores but I'm so fucking happy right now. Hopefully I'll get a 600 pp score soon. Scores:
2020/03/27, Rank #8996. I just got a new pc and a new monitor. The pc is amazing and I can now play basically any game without any lag on best settings. My old pc kept crashing, getting framedrops and lag so it was time for me to get a new one. The monitor is 144hz (I used to have 60hz), and holy shit the difference between 60hz and 144hz is insane. The monitor is also curved, and I hope I'll get used to that soon.
2020/12/14 Thanks Whipdash for 6 months of supporter
2020/12/24 Thanks MaypleFlower for 1 year of supporter
Math quiz: What is 9 + 12?
Wrong, baka
Wrong, baka
Correct! Now, what is 40 divided by 5?
Wrong, baka
Correct! Now, what is 7 multiplied by 7?
Wrong, baka
Wrong, baka
Correct! Now, what is 26 + √4 × 5?
Wrong, baka
Wrong, baka
Correct, good job! You completed the math quiz. I see you are looking for some easter eggs. You are still far from finding all secrets though...
nilund small pp confirmed
nilund pedo confirmed
Still not the last secret. You have to dig deeper...
■︎□︎⧫︎ ♋︎ ♐︎♋︎❒︎❍︎♏︎❒︎ ♌︎⧫︎⬥︎
What does it say?
Good job
Not a farmer
Yes I am
I cant believe I got so shit acc on JUSTadICE
Incorrect, but I still cant believe it
not a farmer btw
Correct! How the fuck did you have the time to do all this?? I'm fucking impressed. You managed to find all the secrets. Now, I have an award for you. (Btw send a dm to me saying "not a farmer btw" if you found this secret)
Please enjoy this image of Jean Pierre Polnareff in action.
I just didn't enjoy it. Not what it translates to though.
The signs are in a font called wingdings
They are, but that's still not what it translates too.
Stonks is best meme
I do not know what it is about it, but stonks is just the best meme. There is something that I just can not comprehend about it. It is so beautiful in so many ways. It is a piece of art that no one will ever ruin, because everyone loves it. Disagree and you are wrong. Anyways, it does not translate to that. I'll just give you the answer. It translates to "not a farmer btw".