Yo, respect to that description, man. Peformance Point farming is just becoming an obsession and major problem. Just enjoy the game, you try-hards. Why play a song you don't even like just because of some numbers it adds to your profile?
Idk what I was thinking back when I wrote this but I'm pretty sure I had a massive hate-boner for shitarks and the like.
It's not really a sin, it's kinda the meta and point of the game to keep up at this point. Play whatever you want and get pp off whatever you want. Nobody really cares. I just don't get how people can retry spam a map and song they utterly hate just to get some pp
is this a joke cause u kind of made the opposite point of what the mapper was saying.... stop judging people just because they want to pp farm some people like to climb its a competitive game its like why asking why would u want to climb ranks in league of legends or overwatch? its the exact same thing
yea thats not the case, her maps are trash in 99% of all cases. its not a "its hailie so its bad", its rather a "damn this is bad im not surprised its by hailie".
Doubt saying anything to people that see pp as be-all and end-all is going to do anything, it's not like they ever considered there's people on the receiving end of their shallow criticism.
Regardless, big agree with the description's sentiment.