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анімешка мерзне під дождем бляяяяяяяять
peo con caca xD
easiest 140 i got
Bad diff gives me bad days ;(
nice (:3)
HP too high
I really love pre-2010 nightcore.
kk eae men
eae ç;--;
So i just got 150pp from a 4.2 star map nomod..
Really nice song and map is good.
damn, it's hard to see "3" circle in "Good" map 2/10
The beatmap is very good, but at [Bad] the difficulty is increasing too much after about the first half.
Nice map, but too many unnecessary spinners on normal.
You had a bad, you're taken one down, you sing a sad song, and it goes in your eye.
It's a good beatmap, but it feels so unforgiving. After 1 miss it feels like you're done and can't come back. That's my only complaint. The rest is really good!
Beautiful <3
great map
good song
Love this song ♥