ItsWinter Thank you so much for taking the time to hitsound this over 8 hours on
your stream OliBomby Ending slider / Hitsound help / Snapping help
Kroytz Believing in me & Saying map is good
Rizen Timing check / General Feedback / Teaching me a bit about timing <:
TheKingHenry Timing check / Quick map check / General Feedback
Emilia Map check
YelloJello Map check / Modding
HML Playtesting and checking
BeasttrollMC Playing map for 7 minutes to die with fc at diffspike / Finding an inconsistency
Tukan4ik Modding
LMT General Feedback / Testplay / Timing check
Makeli Modding
idke Playtest / Suggestion
Bibbity Bill Spending lots of time modding and talking to push my map