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hddt ss fiery :3
worst fucking map i've ever played, whoever mapped this should be ashamed of themselves
all your top plays are farm
this ratio needs to be studied🔥🔥🔥
i deleted the background.
I swapped it for this: https://cdn.media.amplience.net/i/realtree/natehosieturkeyhuntingtipscbillkonwayphoto
7*fc medal :)
ty for being my first 7* pass 🔥
ty 300
fiery's 465 combo
good old days
free pp
mmm feet
it sound so bad D:
your brain:https://twitter.com/itsjuanmaCoc2/status/1453847265613783041
what if i actually tell u that i know 18 numbers from pi after the coma (pepeNerd)
second 7 star fc thanks
7 star pass lesgo
Omg, there are 3 WYSI???
this song is an actual banger ngl
They're all so beautiful, especially my girl Haru <3
Onodera ❤️
mmmm chitoge's feet
Bruh my 94% dt 2 miss on reform overwrote my 97% 1 miss lol
Banger alert
chitoge best girl
ok you can have basic bitch onodera 🤧
Repost if
choked 185 on fiery sad
I love this song sm! XD
i fced reform's expert and i choked acc so hard i wanna cry
first 5 star pass
seegii activated.
i see a foot in the background.
your prof is ideal for this com
why would you cut the climax of the song off man, absolutely soulless
my day be so farmthen boomfiery burst
mhm feet
Easiest 5 star ever
Do you know where can I find the pict?
it's in the beatmap folder
Map files
Thanks fiery for 264pp
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he just got unrestricted lol
this map was super fun and super simple to play, ty
this is a good song but...