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Still Nettspend
How tf did i get a d rank on this 4 years ago
What da GlaDos doin
fun fact: this map was created and ranked just one week after Portal's release
this map was updated after being ranked wtf. I only know this cuz the map has custom combo colors which was only added after Spring 2008 or so
I am only a little crazy
cake is a lie lol
is this vocaloid?it seems it is
it is from portal 1, sung by GLaDOS
this map is evil
i wonder if there is want u gone
old comment but it exists on osu!stream, idk abt osu
2007 map FeelsStrongMan
So much nostalgia, man.
best map ever
every note is marked 1. it makes it impossible to tell where to click next sometimes
skin gimmicks be like:
Normal = suck
nice map
666 dislikes lol
man i remember playing this map all the time back when i was around 8 y/o lol
this map is way ahead of others in mapping in 2007.
it at least doesnt look as chaotic in structure, on that i agree
senpai can you reply me owo
no u
mapa mal feito, essa merda ta de hitsound ta mais alto que a musica
timeless map
damn the mapper is still replying to comments to this day
rank c! easy map and cool)
how old were you when you mapped this?
I was either 20 or 21.
why cant anyone do cara mi addio from portal 2?
Ooh that'd be pretty cool, yeah, I agree. ^^
To put to reference how old this is it's older than me
About 13 I think?
almostKinda cool you've been here for almost 13 year's and still occasionally playing and responding to comment's lol
That's how portals work~
THE OLDEST MAP EVER:D ( but there are some maps that came out before this)
Yeah, there's some older stuff out there, but most aren't as bad. =P
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 11
vista ready
the normal difficulty is really confusing sometimes
It was the 208th map ever. the player likely quick by now. this was october 2007
You mean the mapper right? I'm still around. =3
old map
good old portal -AquadTail
good old portal -AquadTail -DakoTaco
good old portal
Ah, good old Portal, I truly loved the game. <3Still remember playing both games and loving them deeply.
what a surprise right
me 2
ayy first custom skin
unpopular opinion: portal is better than portal 2
I'm making a note here: 2007.
This was done a day after I turned 3 years old
O_o ...I feel so old...
If you want get 133PP on easy,you can try HDHRDT+100% acc.But look out 1:51