tsuka is 2b.
This map is a Puella Magi Madoka Magica anime MAD. The song, 青空のナミダ, is from Blood+.
MAD producer: 鱼丸 (this guy later became producer of Azur Lane)
Video link:
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Tx411w729I like the song also the MAD. Please at least turn video on once to enjoy! (If you don't you'll get scared the *** out of you on your first play, according to my test players)
Thanks for:
Rotte who makes the timing and comes up with the diff names
All the modders who have contributed a lot to the map
And you, who has taken time playing it!
Need Timing Check. Might need to recompress the video.
Encounter (Normal): 100% Thanks to
BakaHuang for the Guest diff
Awakening (Hard): 100% Thanks to
AR3 for the Guest diff
Salvation (Insane): 100%