When ranked? This is very fun and makes my eyes tingle!
nice map!
this is so much better than forts one
actually fun map
Very well crafted map
really good map i like it
Its harder than normal euphoria for me i dont know why
If you have the stamina to not die on [Ultimate Power]'s big initial deathstream, this one is more technical and spaced in the first part. The 1/3 part is much more awkward also. The end of Ciyus Miapah's is loads harder though.
Must be ranked
rank this
super underrated beatmap, great job
such a fun map amazing storyboard :)
Nicemap rank plz
sb gives me seizure
so when is it getting ranked lmao
also why does none mention the hitsounds ?? very good aswell
Good map, my eyes thanked for that sweet storyboard, now i cant see anything :)