I just wanna add a personal comment to this mapset. My friend, Invictimos - thank you the support creating this map, from the beginning and through ranked. It's been nearly 3 years since you've logged in... 3 years since we've talked. I have been messaging you every year hoping you would give a response, but you just... disappeared without a trace. You were one of my closest friends and kept me into osu!. Whatever happened to your latest mapset you were supposed to finish? I was really expecting a lot from you, watch you grow to become a good mapper, yet you have not yet achieved what we both intended to do - to rank a map. I really hope you are alive and well wherever you are, and I really wish we can kick it together like the old days.
Ah I liked the map until the last section (mainly on 4*) where it kind of blew out of proportion, I liked the nice flowy feel of the song but I don't feel like the last section fit the feel of the beatmap. But still nice first section, and I'm sure there's plenty who are ok with stuff like this.
Really appreciate your response! I would like to formally say to everyone here that I have taken every single comment into consideration. It's been 2 years since I've ranked this and I can understand the frustration people have about the slider spam.
Although I think it is justified in the top difficulty (the map even hints that 1/6 sliders will be in play throughout the map), it really doesn't make much sense for such a slider spam to be in the Insane difficulty of the map as I do agree it is far more difficult than the rest of the map, though this is very subjective.
I do admit, even during the time I ranked this, that this wasn't my best work. Perhaps I was too fixated on ranking... something, but I really do appreciate both the love and support + feedback and criticism this map has gave me.
My goal in mapping is to ultimately let players experience joy playing my maps, and I clearly missed the mark since quite a few people complained about the slider spam. I've learned to find balance between playability AND song/map synergy, and I hope I will do justice for my other works. ♥
Update: I finally found the original image for the background! Reverse image had no luck for me, it was my mistake for not crediting in the first place, sorry. You can find the pixiv link in the description.