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nahh frick you for that ending
This map is easier with Hidden in my opinion.
bad rage bait
"in my opinion" + I couldnt fc with DT only, it felt better with DTHD.
practicing to remove my shameful top play with touch screen
I believe in you!
thank you <3 i surpassed it
Let's be honest, everyone is here for performance points right?
bg is my face after i mindblock this map after sliderbreak fc choke (hits everything else)
oh i finally did it with hd dt, even if i already have a 200pp play non dt lol
the background is me when 8.2 OD 3 star map:
I'm so sad that this is my top play
song sounding mad jovial and the bg is someone crying they ass off 😭
shit mapper
fuck this map honestly
big choke
love this song
im sorry
no choke yay
the last circle with hidden is fucking cursed
im still surprised that I just randomly ssed this
why is this map so bad
goofy ahh map
first 200pp THANK UUUUUU
i hate farming
Me in 2021: ok....I'm a dirty farmer but I should have standards before I try to get my first 200 play
Me in 2022: Slowly Deranking 'I DoN't NeEd iT, i dOn't Need...'
shit map
almost fced but i got slow slidered on the top diff with HDDT
пароль один четыре 8 8
nuevo top pp gracias capo
Thanks u pp lord
thanks for my new Top-play Mr. Sotarks :)
good map
choked wooooo
244pp, thanks owo
worst map ever created
Why? It is a good map and gives a lot of pp
i mean its a farm map so its shit even tho it gives a ton off pp, what they mean is it isn't a fun map to play
The worst part is that one time through, I missed on the last circle. The next time through, I FC'd with lower acc
235pp xdd d ds????????? how???1?2?3?4??5??6??78?9???????
Bro I legit got 120pp in 8 tries from this map and I'm a 6 digit, wtf is this
I hddt 200pp this play I’m 6 digit too
wow ure so good
This map is sorta cursed. Took me an hour to SS
Update: This is my 69th silver SS you can't make this up
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horribly timed