I like how you make a video about emphasize when you clearly have no idea what emphasize is
the only thing really related to emphasizing in the vid is the triple and the rest is called rhythm verity if you are saying you used different for different singer, and it have nothing to do with emphasizing at all
please gain more knowledge in mapping before you trying to teach others because it is really misleading rn, maybe you will find out why yumma one is ranked and yours is not after that
I don't like this
The back and forths make me have to readjust my grip too much (mouse player btw) so I don't have the most fun time playing this map
But maybe I might like it once I switch to tablet (switching to tablet by 20th of february I guess)
Update: Got a tablet, learned how to play with it and all
This is the most fun and comfortable beatmap I've played
It's just not very mouse friendly apparently :O
is it intentional that the first spinner is at 100% volume? its really noisy and kinda inappropriate if you ask me. really cool map, this map fits the intensity of the map perfectly. definetely much better than 7* overdone garbage. well done!