The only dj TAKA i'll ever map. (Before you say anything about the doublets on Inner Oni: I put them because they fit well, and without them the diff is already 5.95*

Map progressInner Oni: 100% completed.
Oni: 100% completed.
Muzukashii: 100% completed.
Futsuu: 100% completed.
_DUSK_'s Kantan: 100% completed. ( by_DUSK_ )
Edit log07/11/2017 --> Applied Axer's mod.
08/11/2017 --> Applied MMzz's mod.
09/11/2017 --> Applied Nishizumi's mod and updated _DUSK_'s diff.
12/11/2017 --> Applied Monstrata's mod and updated _DUSK_'s diff.
14/11/2017 --> Applied zigizigiefe's mod.
15/11/2017 --> Resolved pending issues and updated Muzukashii and Oni.
16/11/2017 --> Updated _DUSK_'s diff.
19/11/2017 --> Updated _DUSK_'s diff.
20/11/2017 --> Uploaded _DUSK_'s diff again, apparently it gone missing.
20/11/2017 --> Fixed the errors on the mapset.
22/11/2017 --> Updated an inconsistent part on Inner Oni.
28/11/2017 --> Applied Taikocracy's mod and changed diffname due to server update issues.