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I need the japanese version
Forum when
bing chilling
banger song and map :D
ok my fingers are just got tied upbut nice song & beatmap
fun song, fun beatmap.
no cookiezi
poor cookieeezee
xooty my queen
down bad
dance! dance!
first time that i thought that the chinese vers. is better than the original
finally passed this..
why is teriri score unnoticed ?
need the god reading skill..
very nice
this map make me happy inside
Huh. https://prnt.sc/jz6oyz
google translate in japanese or any other languages is bad for ut health.
rank this song please. It looks so coooool on yousa`s voice in this song
wallpaper engine
amazing map. hard but i cant remember the last time I had so much fun playing this game.
love this map
good for singletapping
looks like jokes are no mroe
chinese mandarin
wish Kagura on bridge xd
in love with melloe
so good