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soo good jeez
rrtyui went full circle
rrtyui has no more number one scores :(
HOLY.FUCK.MBmasher sniped rrtyui's #1 score set for a decade.
The end of an era
MBmasher put an end to rrtyui's score for the first time in 10 years
How could this happen
rip rrtyui's last #1
the bounty is on
Bag secured
hopefully chxitex- doesn't come back get hddthr fc and snipe rrtyui (if unrestricted). Well, it's unlikely, but who knows? FGSky or -GN might SS this with either HDFL or HRFL.
oh nice mirage (maddy) is in the leaderboard in the top diff
It was none of them
i'll kms if rrtyui loses 1st place to a HDDT play
You live another day
you can't snipe rrtyui (unless you hdhrdt fc)
keep using hdfl and get better accuracy or SSing the beatmap (you have to keep the fc), but that's kinda complicated
rrtyui's pride
This is the final 1st place for rrtyui it seems
an unsnipable score for over a decade
snipe rrtyui
no, burn in hell
rrtyui hang in there, hvick got sniped on his last first place map 🥲
tryna erase the last remnants of rrtyui's relevance D:
if you snipe this i will fart (I don't like fartign)
fart on me
to snipe rrtyui dtfl ss the map
somebody snipe that guy
come snipe rrtyui
rrtyui last no.1 score
he has another but its literally unsnipeable because you cant download it
dude there is some way to download this map
Two years since Adamqs HD,HR,FL 97.11% FC #1, 2018-11-25.Never forget :<
only took 6 years ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I fucking LOVE that theres a slow part in here that unless you got a full fucking health bar the game just doesnt let you pass. nice job
Wheres the Golden Temple?
手速不够 270总断QAQ
99.65ACC 比99.12ACC的分数低 orz