The only thing that trully makes me sad is that only a established mapper can rank something like this, even tho I've seen quite a few pending maps with equal level of creativity. For the people who think that this map lacks structured ideas, you are looking at this with really superficial eyes then. If you EVER played anything from wcx19911123 you wouldn't think this map is weird. Some patterns are quite similar to his BRYNHILDR IN THE DARKNESS -Ver. EJECTED- final diff...
i dont understand the map cus it actually managed to be inconsistently inconsistent. i agree that a chaotic map fits the song well as everything goes all over the place, but does that mean inconsistent inconsistensies are a good thing? :thinking:
idk i would downvote it cus the map wasn't even made with any thought to players... i dont mean in the pp way but there was no attempt on making it fun either