CreditsCredits to Konei's mapset of this for timing and BG. I might change BG later if I find a prettier one. Hitclap is from Yasora's "FUTURE FISH" map and the hitnormal is from Angelo's Steam skin.
Also, shout out to anyone who plays and enjoys this map because I strive to bring quality content to Catch the Beat / osu!Catch.
Thank Luisina for the banner
Modders, Thank You- Myle
- Jusenkyo
- FuZ
- rew0825
- xi-False
- Xinely
- MickeyTran
- Sinnoh
- ZiRoX
- MMBan
- Tyrell
- koliron
- Realmas + 1 star
- JBHyperion, for mod and timing fixes
- Absolute Zero + "Bubble"
- BoberOfDarkness
- Ascendance
- Sc4v4ng3r
- BcTrack
- -Magic Bomb- + "starred" status and ranked